The genesis of discovery is the "WHAT IF" questions. Then comes exploring all possible permutations of the original idea as well as all related possibilities. I created this page to explore my latest ideas, discoveries, speculations, musings and wonderings.
Book of Thomas in the original Nag Hammadi Codices
I typed the original English translations of the Nag Hammadi Book of Phillip. I was living in California in my early twenties and worked for Dr. Will Griggs who was translating the Nag Hammadi for his professor James Robinson at Berkeley. Griggs received every third page while his colleagues translated the other two in between. Griggs provided me with a Greek IBM element for my typewriter and so I typed in Greek and then in English.
These Gnostic documents were so explosive and controversial that the Churches went into a major suppression campaign. I want you all to know that even the original Nag Hammadi Library transcript published by Robinson was sanitized. And now, over 45 years later, the major work that was originally translated as SOPHIA CREATED ADAM AND EVE has also been redacted.
I clearly remember the moment when my world shifted and everything I had been taught in the religious cult I had been born into came into question. Although it has been altered one story in the original translation of the Book of Phillip stated this:
"That heretic in Rome, Peter, is claiming that Mary was a virgin and so I went next door and asked her. She replied, how ridiculous. How could a woman conceive from a woman. The Goddess is female."
As an RN I was required to attend Pharmaceutical Representative's presentations to learn about psychoactive drugs. The Reps always showed pie shaped graphics of how the latest, greatest, ridiculously expensive new drugs worked on the neurotransmitters of the brain.
I realized that the largest piece of pie was usually nicotine uptake receptor sites.
This epiphany led me to the conclusion that our Native American Elders knew exactly what they were doing when a Peace Pipe was smoked in councils before any negotiations. It calmed everyone down.
Brain imaging studies demonstrate that nicotine acutely increases activity in the prefrontal cortex, thalamus, and visual system. Stimulation of the brain by nicotine results in the release of a variety of neurotransmitters most importantly dopamine.
Posted 2/25/2016
I realized that the largest piece of pie was usually nicotine uptake receptor sites.
This epiphany led me to the conclusion that our Native American Elders knew exactly what they were doing when a Peace Pipe was smoked in councils before any negotiations. It calmed everyone down.
Brain imaging studies demonstrate that nicotine acutely increases activity in the prefrontal cortex, thalamus, and visual system. Stimulation of the brain by nicotine results in the release of a variety of neurotransmitters most importantly dopamine.
Posted 2/25/2016
Ancient structures follow the same patterns of construction
Rock cairn built on a mound in Montana, USA
Sami Elders attended the Gathering of the Indigenous Elders that was hosted by Leon Secatero in New Mexico in 1988. Leon taught that the Original Instructions which were given by the Star Nations and handed down through the generations were the same all over the world. See MEGALITHS IN MONTANA USA Page |
Lake Lovozero; Finnish: Luujärvi seita
Seita are sacred to the north-European Indigenous People-- the Sami. It might be a very special place in the mountains, tundra, taiga, sometimes a conspicuous stone, stump, lake, other natural formation. The concept of Seyda also includes artifacts – structures made of stones. |
Ancient Builder Race
Were these gigantic megalithic structures built by the Ancient Builder Race? Insiders such as Richard Hoagland and Corey Goode are revealing information about an ancient advanced civilization that populated our solar system and left behind mega-structures.
Joseph Farrell frequently speaks about the megalithic grid sites as a global construction project by an ancient elite group in order to preserve the knowledge in stone for later generations. Dr. Farrell uses
ancient texts and tribal legends to illustrate that after a cosmic war eons ago a group of high technologically advanced giant humans built megalithic sites in three stages. The oldest sites are the most complex level of technology with precise orientation to compass directions.
Megalithic sites and temples are built where these energy grid lines cross at conductivity/ discontinuity points. Newer temples and monuments were often built over far more ancient sites.
See Megaliths in Montana USA Page
Joseph Farrell frequently speaks about the megalithic grid sites as a global construction project by an ancient elite group in order to preserve the knowledge in stone for later generations. Dr. Farrell uses
ancient texts and tribal legends to illustrate that after a cosmic war eons ago a group of high technologically advanced giant humans built megalithic sites in three stages. The oldest sites are the most complex level of technology with precise orientation to compass directions.
Megalithic sites and temples are built where these energy grid lines cross at conductivity/ discontinuity points. Newer temples and monuments were often built over far more ancient sites.
See Megaliths in Montana USA Page
The connection between the glyphs on the Glyph Stone and the Chief Joseph tablet is explained on
the Megaliths in Montana USA Page.
Posted 12/16/2015
This stone covered with glyphs on top was discovered in a Ancient Sun Wheel in Montana. Artifacts found in a cave nearby are dated at around 12,000 years old. This polished rock is the same type of rock as the Shaman Rock and is positioned on the same diagonal earth energy grid line that crosses Montana connecting several sacred sites.
There are different types of glyphs in each section of this polished stone. Much like the Rosetta Stone when we learn to translate the other scripts I believe this rock will be a major key.
See Montana Earth Energy Grid page and Ancient Pictograph page.
The green stone in the bottom left photo was used to activate the rock and is not part of the Glyph Stone.
Searching the internet in an attempt to learn if anyone out there had found similar petroglyphs, I found the following photos and diagrams:
Evan and Ros Strong in Austrailia are posting rocks with petroglyphs just like the Glyph Stone. On this site look very carefully at the Photo by Samarah Wood of the top of Ros' Stone #3.
time to wake up
A wise Buddhist once told me this: "Julie, 90% of the people in the world are asleep and sometimes your job is to help them sleep more comfortably. When you wake up go find those who are awakening and imagine a better world together. This is the concept of the Bodhisattva to manifest unconditional love until all are enlightened."
Posted 12/10/2015
A prehistoric stone structure discovered in the Golan Heights after Israel captured them from Syria in the 1967 war. The structure is one of the largest, oldest and most mysterious structures in the Middle East..
Tens of thousands of stone circles are curently being researched in South Africa by Michael Tellinger.
Huge stone circles in the Middle East have been imaged from above, revealing details of structures that have been shrouded in mystery for decades.
Archaeologists in Jordan have taken high-resolution aerial images of 11 ancient “Big Circles,” all but one of which are around 400 meters (1,312 feet) in diameter. Segmented stone circle in the Superstition Mountain in Arizona, USA |
In the Chaco Canyon located in New Mexico, USA there is a large segmented stone circle.
Michael Tellinger believes that the tens of thousand stone circles in South Africa are cymatic symbols created by the Ancient Builder Race as energy devices to produce the necessary energy to mine gold. Tellinger quotes Zecharia Sitchin's work about the Anunnaki, an advanced race of ET coming to South Africa to extract minerals.
"Cymatics is the study of visible sound and vibration. The phenomenon is visualized through various materials: powder on rigid surfaces, fluids, liquid paste and also digital imaging techniques.
Ernst Chladni used a violin bow along the edge of a metal plate to reveal the so called Chladni patterns. Today of course we use more sophisticated tone generators, the rest stays the same. In the last century Hans Jenny coined the term Cymatics."
on this website on the Ancient Technology Page
Ernst Chladni used a violin bow along the edge of a metal plate to reveal the so called Chladni patterns. Today of course we use more sophisticated tone generators, the rest stays the same. In the last century Hans Jenny coined the term Cymatics."
on this website on the Ancient Technology Page
THUNDERBIRD and red lightning
At the Lakota Sundance, Joe Brown Eyes visited our camp one night around the fire. Joe Brown Eyes had been given the Sundance Ceremony by Frank Fools Crow and was the Sundance Intercessor on the Pine Ridge for many years. One night after the first round this large and very powerful Lakota starred into the fire and said to me "In our world when people see visions and hear voices they become our medicine people...they are the most powerful among us. In your world you lock them up in prisons and mental institutions and lock up their minds with drugs. Many of our medicine people are locked up....go bring them home." This brave man had gathered Veit Nam Vets and organized four medicine men from four different traditions to heal Vets in Warrior Ceremonies with the Washing of the Hands. I accepted the mission.
At that time in my career I was in a unique position as an RN in a special team that worked with the severe and persistent mentally ill in a community setting. My first day back at work a Blackfeet Client, who was not on my caseload at the time, walked into my office and announced that I would take him home to the Blackfeet Sundance. He proceeded to tell me about a dream which was exactly the same dream in the same words that I had been told by another Medicine Man at the Lakota Sundance a few days before.
It was a sign.
My husband gave this man a drum and he sang over fifty traditional songs in several native languages in the next few days. This Blackfeet Client had memorized the ceremonies and songs of several different Native traditions while he was in prison. "That is where they keep the powerful medicine men because they are afraid of our songs and our power. Prison is where we are trained," he explained.
Years earlier I again experienced a repeating dreamed about a painted TeePee. I had drawn it over and over. One morning I woke up and told my husband, Bill, that I must find this TeePee. My car drove me to Heart Butte on the Blackfeet Reservation. I had never been anywhere near here before. The car drove down into a valley and there in the front yard of a small house was the TeePee. I burst into tears. A Blackfeet man approached my car and all I could do was show him the drawings of the TeePee. In my drawings the TeePee was in a forest. The Blackfeet man told me that it had been in the forest but a bear tore it down so he repainted it and put it up in his fenced yard last night. He said that I must be looking for his brother...the medicine man.
It took me three years to find his brother-- the Blackfeet Medicine Man. As most medicine people are this man was very elusive. He found me finally. Bill and I were invited to a Blackfeet sweat lodge ceremony at a lodge that was just a few blocks from our home here in Helena. As the ceremony began a Blackfeet man waved a pair of golden eagle wings and said to me..."You will come to the Sundance. It is sponsored by the Medicine Man that you have been looking for. This man will bring you. He indicated that our neighbor was to bring us there.
Since my Blackfeet Client was on federal probation it was imperative that we have permission from the Blackfeet tribe and from his probation officer who had already denied the request. After the Blackfeet Sundance I approached the Elders who were standing on a small hill at the edge of the Sundance grounds. As I opened my mouth to make the request the thunder roared loud and long. Out of my mouth came these words..."and when she spoke they finally listened" and I turned and walked away. I was incredulous. I didn't have a clue where those worlds came from. I returned to our camp and told my husband to pack up because we needed to leave right now. My wise husband simply replied...Julie you threw down the must stay and face whatever comes. The Elders sent a runner to request my presence at the sweat lodge that night. My husband moved my tent to the Medicine Man's home next to the sweat lodge and left for work.
That night the sweat lodge ceremony lasted for eight rounds...four rounds is traditional. The next morning I gave the Medicine Man a crystal that had been activated by the crystal skulls along with some tobacco.
He told me to come back in a little while. When I returned there were several Blackfeet Elders gathered in his home that I had not seen before. The Medicine Man spoke first...."this woman dreamed of the TeePee and she found it, then she found her way to the Sundance. She has cleaned herself in the sweat lodge which was given to us by a woman. When she spoke the thunder roared."
The oldest man there simply nodded so I made my request to bring the Blackfeet Client to the Sundance next year. One of the best moments of my life was watching their stoic faces express total wonder and surprise. Photographs of the crystal skulls and the instructions of the Lakota Sundance Intercessor supported my request. The Blackfeet Elders finally capitulated and granted permission to bring the outcast Medicine Man... my Blackfeet Client... home for four days only.
My client's Federal Probation Officer was suddenly replaced by a Black officer who immediately signed the permission papers.
At that time in my career I was in a unique position as an RN in a special team that worked with the severe and persistent mentally ill in a community setting. My first day back at work a Blackfeet Client, who was not on my caseload at the time, walked into my office and announced that I would take him home to the Blackfeet Sundance. He proceeded to tell me about a dream which was exactly the same dream in the same words that I had been told by another Medicine Man at the Lakota Sundance a few days before.
It was a sign.
My husband gave this man a drum and he sang over fifty traditional songs in several native languages in the next few days. This Blackfeet Client had memorized the ceremonies and songs of several different Native traditions while he was in prison. "That is where they keep the powerful medicine men because they are afraid of our songs and our power. Prison is where we are trained," he explained.
Years earlier I again experienced a repeating dreamed about a painted TeePee. I had drawn it over and over. One morning I woke up and told my husband, Bill, that I must find this TeePee. My car drove me to Heart Butte on the Blackfeet Reservation. I had never been anywhere near here before. The car drove down into a valley and there in the front yard of a small house was the TeePee. I burst into tears. A Blackfeet man approached my car and all I could do was show him the drawings of the TeePee. In my drawings the TeePee was in a forest. The Blackfeet man told me that it had been in the forest but a bear tore it down so he repainted it and put it up in his fenced yard last night. He said that I must be looking for his brother...the medicine man.
It took me three years to find his brother-- the Blackfeet Medicine Man. As most medicine people are this man was very elusive. He found me finally. Bill and I were invited to a Blackfeet sweat lodge ceremony at a lodge that was just a few blocks from our home here in Helena. As the ceremony began a Blackfeet man waved a pair of golden eagle wings and said to me..."You will come to the Sundance. It is sponsored by the Medicine Man that you have been looking for. This man will bring you. He indicated that our neighbor was to bring us there.
Since my Blackfeet Client was on federal probation it was imperative that we have permission from the Blackfeet tribe and from his probation officer who had already denied the request. After the Blackfeet Sundance I approached the Elders who were standing on a small hill at the edge of the Sundance grounds. As I opened my mouth to make the request the thunder roared loud and long. Out of my mouth came these words..."and when she spoke they finally listened" and I turned and walked away. I was incredulous. I didn't have a clue where those worlds came from. I returned to our camp and told my husband to pack up because we needed to leave right now. My wise husband simply replied...Julie you threw down the must stay and face whatever comes. The Elders sent a runner to request my presence at the sweat lodge that night. My husband moved my tent to the Medicine Man's home next to the sweat lodge and left for work.
That night the sweat lodge ceremony lasted for eight rounds...four rounds is traditional. The next morning I gave the Medicine Man a crystal that had been activated by the crystal skulls along with some tobacco.
He told me to come back in a little while. When I returned there were several Blackfeet Elders gathered in his home that I had not seen before. The Medicine Man spoke first...."this woman dreamed of the TeePee and she found it, then she found her way to the Sundance. She has cleaned herself in the sweat lodge which was given to us by a woman. When she spoke the thunder roared."
The oldest man there simply nodded so I made my request to bring the Blackfeet Client to the Sundance next year. One of the best moments of my life was watching their stoic faces express total wonder and surprise. Photographs of the crystal skulls and the instructions of the Lakota Sundance Intercessor supported my request. The Blackfeet Elders finally capitulated and granted permission to bring the outcast Medicine Man... my Blackfeet Client... home for four days only.
My client's Federal Probation Officer was suddenly replaced by a Black officer who immediately signed the permission papers.
The next morning when we returned to the parking lot at Boulder Hot Springs the guests and staff told us that last night they had seen RED LIGHTNING on the mountain and pointed to where the Boulder Dolmen was located.
Ringing Rocks was next on the agenda. We discovered the Pipestone Dolmen that day just behind this harmonic instrument of stacked stones.
Ringing Rocks was next on the agenda. We discovered the Pipestone Dolmen that day just behind this harmonic instrument of stacked stones.
In the Native tradition when one wishes to make a request for knowledge a gift of tobacco is offered. So I returned to the Blackfeet sweat lodge to ask for knowledge about their traditional teachings regarding lightning and thunder.
I showed the Elders this photograph that I had taken in 2008, of the crystal skull when it lit up displaying a hologram of lightning over the third eye.
The sweat lodge was prepared and after four rounds the Blackfeet Medicine Man began to teach me. Traditional teachings always begin with the beginning of time and creations stories. Finally he spoke of the medicine wheel. In the Blackfeet tradition the position of South is watched over by the Thunderbird. South is known on the landscape as the Helena Valley which is south of the center of Blackfeet territory. Many tribes hunted here but did not make permanent camps in the old days because of the lightning and thunder. This was ceremonial ground.
The teachings say that the south is the place of RED LIGHTNING and then he would say no more.
Posted 12/07/2015
I showed the Elders this photograph that I had taken in 2008, of the crystal skull when it lit up displaying a hologram of lightning over the third eye.
The sweat lodge was prepared and after four rounds the Blackfeet Medicine Man began to teach me. Traditional teachings always begin with the beginning of time and creations stories. Finally he spoke of the medicine wheel. In the Blackfeet tradition the position of South is watched over by the Thunderbird. South is known on the landscape as the Helena Valley which is south of the center of Blackfeet territory. Many tribes hunted here but did not make permanent camps in the old days because of the lightning and thunder. This was ceremonial ground.
The teachings say that the south is the place of RED LIGHTNING and then he would say no more.
Posted 12/07/2015
pOSTED 12/06/2015
Leon Secatero, the Navajo Headman, gathered the Indigenous Elders from around the world to ceremony in New Mexico in 1998. Years later my husband and I were taken into ceremonies in the Holy Grounds that upgraded the human genetic codons.
Leon made the outline of symbols drawn with cornmeal in the sand around the central fire. Specific harmonic frequencies were toned by the Medicine Men as we were instructed to walk the labyrinth around the ancient symbols between the large quartz crystals and the central fire. A mound of sacred tobacco from the 18 mountains formed a pyramid shape on the blanket covered with symbols.
The symbols that Leon drew in the sand were the same as the outer circle of the Calendar for the Next 500 Years. A similar symbol adorned the Tribal Staff held by one of the 13 Warriors who surrounded and protected us. We were told that this ceremony would alter our genetic codons to prepare us for the Changing from the Fifth World of Green and Glitter into the Sixth World of Crystal.
Leon taught that the semi- circular symbols on the outer ring on the right side related to the genetic DNA structures of Human Beings in the Fifth World. Following the circular pattern clockwise the break near the bottom depicts crossing the galactic plane into the Sixth World and the corresponding alteration in the genetic codes. At the bottom of the Calendar our sun crosses the Galactic Plane ( December 21, 2012). The spiral configuration at the bottom right is breaking up. The spiral at the bottom left is spinning clockwise indicating the making of the Sixth World. Clockwise spirals indicate the making and counter clockwise spirals indicate the un-making. The genetic structures alter again in the Sixth World creating mirror image symbols.
At the top is the hourglass Changing of the World Symbol representing the changing of the Sixth World into the Seventh World. See Ancient Pictograph Page
Leon Secatero, the Navajo Headman, gathered the Indigenous Elders from around the world to ceremony in New Mexico in 1998. Years later my husband and I were taken into ceremonies in the Holy Grounds that upgraded the human genetic codons.
Leon made the outline of symbols drawn with cornmeal in the sand around the central fire. Specific harmonic frequencies were toned by the Medicine Men as we were instructed to walk the labyrinth around the ancient symbols between the large quartz crystals and the central fire. A mound of sacred tobacco from the 18 mountains formed a pyramid shape on the blanket covered with symbols.
The symbols that Leon drew in the sand were the same as the outer circle of the Calendar for the Next 500 Years. A similar symbol adorned the Tribal Staff held by one of the 13 Warriors who surrounded and protected us. We were told that this ceremony would alter our genetic codons to prepare us for the Changing from the Fifth World of Green and Glitter into the Sixth World of Crystal.
Leon taught that the semi- circular symbols on the outer ring on the right side related to the genetic DNA structures of Human Beings in the Fifth World. Following the circular pattern clockwise the break near the bottom depicts crossing the galactic plane into the Sixth World and the corresponding alteration in the genetic codes. At the bottom of the Calendar our sun crosses the Galactic Plane ( December 21, 2012). The spiral configuration at the bottom right is breaking up. The spiral at the bottom left is spinning clockwise indicating the making of the Sixth World. Clockwise spirals indicate the making and counter clockwise spirals indicate the un-making. The genetic structures alter again in the Sixth World creating mirror image symbols.
At the top is the hourglass Changing of the World Symbol representing the changing of the Sixth World into the Seventh World. See Ancient Pictograph Page
the gift
POSTED 11/22/2015
An ancient petroglyph etched on the sandstone walls
in an area that local tribes refer to as the Holy Grounds illustrates
their tribal legend of the Extraterrestrial Being who gave humans
THE GIFT. I was taken to these places after one of the leaders saw the
photographs of the orbs and the time tunnel opening over my head.
I was told to photograph this glyph which until this time had been completely taboo.
The leader gave me specific instructions. After a sequence of events had occurred,
I was to publish this knowledge. Even though the leader has passed on the sequence of
events has just completed.
THE GIFT in the legend is a ball of light that contains life giving energy.
Walls of glyphs depicting humans, animals and plant life flowing
out of spheres of light with the original language symbols
describing these real events are within 15 miles of this location.
In ceremony that lasts for 12 days the knowledge of these glyphs are
embedded into the people. We were instructed to touch specific glyphs
and receive the visions and knowledge directly and then draw our visions in the sand.
Ancient songs, holograms viewed in crystals, specific physical movements in the presence
of glyphs representing advanced DNA structures drawn in the sand are performed in these
ceremonies. Offerings made the to THE TWELVE ORIGINAL ANCESTORS ONLY TWO OF
WHICH ARE HUMAN are said to reconfigure and restore the original DNA into 12 strands.
An ancient petroglyph etched on the sandstone walls
in an area that local tribes refer to as the Holy Grounds illustrates
their tribal legend of the Extraterrestrial Being who gave humans
THE GIFT. I was taken to these places after one of the leaders saw the
photographs of the orbs and the time tunnel opening over my head.
I was told to photograph this glyph which until this time had been completely taboo.
The leader gave me specific instructions. After a sequence of events had occurred,
I was to publish this knowledge. Even though the leader has passed on the sequence of
events has just completed.
THE GIFT in the legend is a ball of light that contains life giving energy.
Walls of glyphs depicting humans, animals and plant life flowing
out of spheres of light with the original language symbols
describing these real events are within 15 miles of this location.
In ceremony that lasts for 12 days the knowledge of these glyphs are
embedded into the people. We were instructed to touch specific glyphs
and receive the visions and knowledge directly and then draw our visions in the sand.
Ancient songs, holograms viewed in crystals, specific physical movements in the presence
of glyphs representing advanced DNA structures drawn in the sand are performed in these
ceremonies. Offerings made the to THE TWELVE ORIGINAL ANCESTORS ONLY TWO OF
WHICH ARE HUMAN are said to reconfigure and restore the original DNA into 12 strands.
I have saturated the color in the Gift Glyph photo above to enhance the image. The sandstone wall is actually more the tan color you see in the photo with me in front of the Gift Glyph The Gift photos were taken with a film camera and then the prints were rephotographed with a digital camera. The white light on my shoulder is a reflection from the flash. It does not appear in the original photo.
POSTED 3/26/2019
POSTED 3/26/2019
The Navajo Elders interpret the Gift Petroglyph as a Star Nation Being on the right gifting the Human with an orb of light which represents the essence of eternal life and knowledge. Notice the cloud or inter- dimensional veil that the Star Being reaches through. The stream of energy creates a larger orb of light and then funnels down to a second smaller orb then streams right through the Human's heart and out the back.
I was taken to experience this Gift after I showed the Elders my photo of the Blue Orb and experienced an Initiation Ceremony which included commitments to the Star Nations. Offerings are made in a specific way as you approach the Glyphs. If your offerings are accepted you reach up and touch the glyphs connecting through the Veil in a specific manner...right knee to right knee...arm to shoulder...signs and tokens given...passing through the Veil into the Light.
As I have processed these ancient Star Nations Initiation Ceremonies over the years the connections become clear. The similarities between the Masonic Rituals, the plagiarized Mormon Temple Ceremonies, Egyptian Initiation Ceremonies, Indigenous American Indian ceremonies are obvious. The only rational explanation is that there was a common source...the Mother Civilization. These ceremonies have elements in common such as passing through the Veil into a higher dimensional "Celestial Kingdom" where One is invited into the presence of the Divine.
Graham Hancock makes this very point in his latest interview of the similarities between the Indigenous American and the Egyptian ceremonies for the dead.
Star Nations:
Conversations with Elders:
Graham Hancock Interview:
The Navajo Elders interpret the Gift Petroglyph as a Star Nation Being on the right gifting the Human with an orb of light which represents the essence of eternal life and knowledge. Notice the cloud or inter- dimensional veil that the Star Being reaches through. The stream of energy creates a larger orb of light and then funnels down to a second smaller orb then streams right through the Human's heart and out the back.
I was taken to experience this Gift after I showed the Elders my photo of the Blue Orb and experienced an Initiation Ceremony which included commitments to the Star Nations. Offerings are made in a specific way as you approach the Glyphs. If your offerings are accepted you reach up and touch the glyphs connecting through the Veil in a specific manner...right knee to right knee...arm to shoulder...signs and tokens given...passing through the Veil into the Light.
As I have processed these ancient Star Nations Initiation Ceremonies over the years the connections become clear. The similarities between the Masonic Rituals, the plagiarized Mormon Temple Ceremonies, Egyptian Initiation Ceremonies, Indigenous American Indian ceremonies are obvious. The only rational explanation is that there was a common source...the Mother Civilization. These ceremonies have elements in common such as passing through the Veil into a higher dimensional "Celestial Kingdom" where One is invited into the presence of the Divine.
Graham Hancock makes this very point in his latest interview of the similarities between the Indigenous American and the Egyptian ceremonies for the dead.
Star Nations:
Conversations with Elders:
Graham Hancock Interview:
touching petroglyhphs
This is the response I made to an unsolicited lecture about how I should never, ever touch a petroglyph:
Indigenous Elders from around the world gathered at these sacred glyphs in New Mexico to perform ceremonies that ushered in the Sixth World. Ceremonies have been done at this particular place once a year for at least 850 consecutive years. Vast amounts of knowledge are passed on by these specific protocols. I was instructed to photograph this particular glyph and pass the knowledge on to the Western Mind by the Elders who keep this site protected from outsiders. You must be invited in and taken to these sacred places deep in the desert by the Elders. There are walls of glyphs touched during ceremonies which is how the knowledge is passed on to the few that have the ability to receive that knowledge directly. These particular glyphs are libraries of Indigenous Science and Star Nation Technology carved into sandstone and are " read" only during the ceremonies. The walls of glyphs nearby contain volumes of information about quantum physics. star maps, genetic engineering, time travel, ancient races of Giants who inhabited this area, torsion field technology, and so much more. After I touched the glyphs as instructed I began to draw in the sand. When the Elders saw the calculations, ancient original language symbols and star maps that I drew, I was invited to live in their homes and was invited back each year for further instruction.
Indigenous Elders from around the world gathered at these sacred glyphs in New Mexico to perform ceremonies that ushered in the Sixth World. Ceremonies have been done at this particular place once a year for at least 850 consecutive years. Vast amounts of knowledge are passed on by these specific protocols. I was instructed to photograph this particular glyph and pass the knowledge on to the Western Mind by the Elders who keep this site protected from outsiders. You must be invited in and taken to these sacred places deep in the desert by the Elders. There are walls of glyphs touched during ceremonies which is how the knowledge is passed on to the few that have the ability to receive that knowledge directly. These particular glyphs are libraries of Indigenous Science and Star Nation Technology carved into sandstone and are " read" only during the ceremonies. The walls of glyphs nearby contain volumes of information about quantum physics. star maps, genetic engineering, time travel, ancient races of Giants who inhabited this area, torsion field technology, and so much more. After I touched the glyphs as instructed I began to draw in the sand. When the Elders saw the calculations, ancient original language symbols and star maps that I drew, I was invited to live in their homes and was invited back each year for further instruction.
pOSTED 12/04/2015
As I read posts regarding the discovery of ancient artifacts it becomes evident that the anthropological literature, scientific investigations and so called facts regarding discoveries of ancient artifacts are manipulated or suppressed according to an agenda. Believe me...the Indigenous Community has historical evidence that the Western Powers That Were continue to control the release of information about their history. Around the camp fire the stories about what the Western researchers believe is fodder for so
many jokes.
A major controversial is raging about the veracity and dating of 290 million year old foot prints found in New Mexico. I personally have been taken to a sacred place in New Mexico and have seen with my own eyes three huge footprints embedded into rock on the top of a boulder. I am an RN and therefore have personal experience with human anatomy. These footprints were huge and there was no arch...they appeared to be made by a flat footed very large human. The third huge footprint displayed rock, which was obviously wet clay at the time the print was made, squished up between the 1st and 2nd toes as if the giant was leaping off the huge rock. The Elder explained that the Giant's footprints faced the direction of the Pole Star. In this same area are walls of petroglyphs that display the ancient history of the worlds and ancient calendars embedded in clay/rock on top of a mesa.
I am under oath to not reveal where they are so they will not be confiscated or destroyed as so much of our history has been by the Powers that Were. I guess you will have to take my word for it. I saw what I saw and I know what I know. I was taken there two different times by two different Indigenous Elders.
There is so much more that has been protected and with held from the scientific community for good reason. In fact as we entered this region the first time four armed men popped up from behind boulders on the rim of the canyon with rifles aimed at us. The Elder gave a signal and they disappeared. He then explained that it had become necessary to protect their cultural treasures. The reservation is a sovereign nation within a nation. The Indigenous People hold knowledge that is timeless and will outlast the current regime changes in America to be passed forward for the generations to come.
many jokes.
A major controversial is raging about the veracity and dating of 290 million year old foot prints found in New Mexico. I personally have been taken to a sacred place in New Mexico and have seen with my own eyes three huge footprints embedded into rock on the top of a boulder. I am an RN and therefore have personal experience with human anatomy. These footprints were huge and there was no arch...they appeared to be made by a flat footed very large human. The third huge footprint displayed rock, which was obviously wet clay at the time the print was made, squished up between the 1st and 2nd toes as if the giant was leaping off the huge rock. The Elder explained that the Giant's footprints faced the direction of the Pole Star. In this same area are walls of petroglyphs that display the ancient history of the worlds and ancient calendars embedded in clay/rock on top of a mesa.
I am under oath to not reveal where they are so they will not be confiscated or destroyed as so much of our history has been by the Powers that Were. I guess you will have to take my word for it. I saw what I saw and I know what I know. I was taken there two different times by two different Indigenous Elders.
There is so much more that has been protected and with held from the scientific community for good reason. In fact as we entered this region the first time four armed men popped up from behind boulders on the rim of the canyon with rifles aimed at us. The Elder gave a signal and they disappeared. He then explained that it had become necessary to protect their cultural treasures. The reservation is a sovereign nation within a nation. The Indigenous People hold knowledge that is timeless and will outlast the current regime changes in America to be passed forward for the generations to come.
Posted 11/19/2015
While combing Grand Traverse Bay in Lake Michigan looking for shipwrecks Mark Holley observed unique rock formations resembling Stonehenge.
"The formation, if authenticated, wouldn’t be completely out the ordinary. Stone Circles and other petroglyph sites are located in the Great Lakes area. Ancient structures underneath large masses of water are not all that uncommon around the planet. There are over 100 cities at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea and even more at the bottom our oceans."
"The stones are organized in a circle 40 below the surface of Lake Michigan and is believed to be at least 10,000 years old. One stone in the outer circle, although still up for debate, appears to have a carving of a mastodon, an animal that closely resembles an elephant that went extinct over 10,000 years ago.
Beaver Island located in northern Lake Michigan is home of another stone circle. It consists of a group of stones circularly located around a large central stone that contains unusual carvings. The carvings have not been carbon dated or tested to see the time period they come from and little is known about the structure itself. The significance of the circle is still being debated by archaeologist and historians although local Native Americans recall stories of a gathering place in the island where a stone calendar was located. "
Sonar depiction of rock formations under Lake Michigan.
Dolmens and stone monuments in america
Posted 11/15/2015
Dolmens and stone monuments are found across America. Many have been destroyed. I will not repeat the information or photos found on Dolmens in Montana page on this site however you may want to start there for background material and extraordinary photos. There is very little publicity or acknowledgement of these sites as so much of our ancient history has been hidden from us. It is time we dig it up.
Dolmens and stone monuments are found across America. Many have been destroyed. I will not repeat the information or photos found on Dolmens in Montana page on this site however you may want to start there for background material and extraordinary photos. There is very little publicity or acknowledgement of these sites as so much of our ancient history has been hidden from us. It is time we dig it up.
Astrological alignments of Mystery Hill, New Hampshire.
"The Mystery Hill archaeological site, better known today as America’s Stonehenge, is situated on the exposed bedrock summit of Mystery Hill in North Salem, New Hampshire. The site consists of a core complex of 13 stone chambers, several enclosures, niches, stone walls, stoned lined drains, small grooves & basins, and other features which covers about one acre on the summit. Extending outward from and surrounding the core complex, are more stone walls, niches, standing stones, and two procession ways. Along the perimeter of the summit are four confirmed astronomical alignments. Below the summit on the slopes of the hill are a 14th chamber, two utilized natural caves, springs, stone walls, stone cairns, niches, standing stones, and other features. In total, the site covers about 105 acres." |
Grandfather Martin, the last surviving Elder of the five who were authorized to reveal the prophecies and the Hopi teachings to the world, announces the Positive Time Line changes on Hopi Rock. He then shows another petroglyph about technology. I had never heard of this before.
Grandfather says that the Negative Time Line has disappeared from the the Rock. I have researched this rock for over 30 years verifying though archaeological evidence and information published in the 1950 that it was real.
The Hopi Elders told their prophecies to the UN in 1998. Now Grandfather has announced that WE MADE IT. Grandfather Martin recently passed over.
Grandfather says that the Negative Time Line has disappeared from the the Rock. I have researched this rock for over 30 years verifying though archaeological evidence and information published in the 1950 that it was real.
The Hopi Elders told their prophecies to the UN in 1998. Now Grandfather has announced that WE MADE IT. Grandfather Martin recently passed over.
A friend in a Facebook group Ancient Knowledge Search for Enlightenment !!! just posted a message about an incredible idea....the BIG BOOK ABOUT EVERYTHING that we are just discovering about our true history as a human race. Then we add all the knowledge that has been secreted away in the Vatican and by the Cabal, the world controllers, that is just starting to leak out through the data dumps. The history of the Secret Space Program must be included.
I propose the book is dedicated to the Snowden Group. We can write and publish it together with each person that has information contributing their part. The book will be free on the internet and perhaps we can find a rogue publisher to print it. We will need a very tough and enlightened editorial team.
"They may say I'm a dreamer...but I'm not the only one..perhaps some day you'll join us....and the world will live as one."
Future City Too by Robert D Brown
We will develop the foundation to co-create a truly enlightened world.
Posted 11/05/2015
Posted 11/05/2015
At Central Washington University in the early 1990's I taught a class on Lucid Dreaming. The required text book was LUCID DREAMS IN 30 DAYS. To prepare for the final exam we listened to a Robert Monroe hemi-sync tape from the Gateway series every night. The day of the final the entire class walked to a bridge on the campus and were instructed to meet under this bridge in our dream state around 2AM.
As a joke I instructed everyone to "Wear pajamas". Each student was instructed to record their dreams that night and turn it into the Psychology Professor Dr. Sparks first thing in the morning. Dr. Sparks would then evaluate the content to see if there were any similarities in our dreams.
Dr. Sparks burst into the classroom that day and questioned every person there about their pajamas. Apparently we had described conversations with each other in a dream state and identified each other by the color and style of our pajamas. Detailed information about a few of the student's personal life was revealed by identifying their pajamas.
An excellent article about lucid dreaming at:
Posted 11/04/2015
As a joke I instructed everyone to "Wear pajamas". Each student was instructed to record their dreams that night and turn it into the Psychology Professor Dr. Sparks first thing in the morning. Dr. Sparks would then evaluate the content to see if there were any similarities in our dreams.
Dr. Sparks burst into the classroom that day and questioned every person there about their pajamas. Apparently we had described conversations with each other in a dream state and identified each other by the color and style of our pajamas. Detailed information about a few of the student's personal life was revealed by identifying their pajamas.
An excellent article about lucid dreaming at:
Posted 11/04/2015
ANCIENT STONE structures in montana are the same pattern as found in eastern USA and in russia.
Posted 10/22/2015
I am beginning to look at the fractal patterns of megalithic structures found all over the world built by ancient world wide cultures and compare the similarities in their art and language. Their scientific knowledge was preserved in stone for a later generation to decode.
Most of the ancient sites on this website in Montana were discovered, photographed and/or name by me so you will not find them on google yet. Recently a man came from Indonesia looking for the dolmens on my website. He stopped three police officers, visited several stores that sold climbing equipment, consulted google earth and even stopped people on the street in Helena to ask them about these sites. No one knew. Finally a friend of his contacted me through my website. We met up and spent a delightful day visiting sites and sharing knowledge. As more people share their findings and post on Facebook groups, websites and YouTube the body of knowledge grows and patterns are found.
The sites in Montana follow a specific pattern. The dolmens are approximately 23.5 degrees apart from each other just like the 3,000 stone sites in England so therefore they form a pattern that can be seen from above. The line of site from the front of several of these dolmens is a pyramid shaped mountain peak just like the 81 in Bulgaria. Several of the dolmens line up on an earth energy grid line that intersects with a major grid line where sun wheels, medicine wheels and pictograph sites line up diagonally across Montana.
I am currently researching TeePee Rings that I believe are cymatic signature patterns of stone circles like the tens of thousands of similar stone circles found in Africa by Michael Tellinger.
New Evidence Puts Man In North America 50,000 Years Ago
Rock cairn in Lincoln County West Virginia found and photographed by Yoly Molina. |
This rock cairn is found in a cairn field in Poconos Monroe County, Pennsylvania. |
This rock cairn is found in New York state. |
Stone face above a pictograph site in Montana
See Montana Earth Energy Grid page |
This face with a mustache complete with eyebrows is carved into a circular indentation on the stone wall shown right.
See Montana Earth Energy Grid page |
In the center of this circular indentation on the face of the stone wall above the Missouri River in Montana is the carved face shown on the left.
Stone face in Lincoln County West Virginia found and photographed by Yoly Molina. See more at this link: |
Stone face found in Lincoln County, West Virginia found and photographed by Yoly Molina. |
This stone face is in Putnam County, West Virginia. |
Stone face on the front of a dolmen in Lincoln County West Virginia in the USA.
Photograph by Yoly Molina at this link: |
Another view from inside the megalithic tunnel structure at Giant's Playground in Montana. It appears that the internal top stone has slipped off the supporting pillar. Montana is an active earthquake region.
This is why I named the site Giant's Playground
This shaft-type tunnel structure is on Yoly Molina's farm in Lincoln County West Virginia near the cairn shown above.
Yoly Molina discovered this shaft while hiking. It is smaller than the one at Giant's Playground. |
Recently a wall of megalithic stones some weighting over 3.000 tons was discovered in Russia. The stone tunnel at that site in Russia looks just like the tunnel at Giant's Playground near Helena, Montana and the similar smaller shaft type tunnel in Lincoln County West Virginia.
Megalithic dolmen structure found in Lincoln County, West Virginia on Yoly Molina's farm. |
Whale Dolmen near Helena, Monana.
See Dolmens in Montana Page Boulder dolmen near Helena, Montana
As you can see by comparing these structures found in Central Montana to similar structures found in West Virginia the same pattern occurs across America and throughout the world.
Astronomers have found giant alien 'megastructures' orbiting star near the Milky Way in the Cygnus gallaxy
Top futurist, theoretical physicist, Michio Kaku just let the cat out of the bag and what he had to say may shock you! “This could be the biggest story in the past five-hundred years,” Michio Kaku explained.
You see the Kepler Telescope team has been monitoring a particular star named “KIC 8462852″, first discovered in 2009, for quite some time now and what the operators have found is simply amazing.
You see the Kepler Telescope team has been monitoring a particular star named “KIC 8462852″, first discovered in 2009, for quite some time now and what the operators have found is simply amazing.
Michio Kaku announced this discovery on CBSN on October 18, 2015.
Astronomers think they've spotted giant solar collectors, Dyson spheres or other megastructures straight out of sci-fi built by an advanced alien civilization around a far-off star unremarkably named KIC 8462852.
I have a different take on the notion that aliens are superior. Planet Earth is prime real estate because we are a geneetic mixture of multiple ET races that have performed so many genetic experiments with humans that earth humans are now a library of genetic information. Most of these advanced races have lost the ability to feel emotion and to access the quantum field through their own being. They have developed technology outside themselves where humans have that ability to access from inside themselves. Julie Ryder
"WE as a people are in the process of co-creating a new future. What that future will be is still up to us and is a wet piece of clay that each of us have our hands on. We as individuals, each a portion of the mass consciousness, have the power to make a difference. We need to make sure we do the inner work and make sure we are not looking outside ourselves for an alliance group or non-human savior race to intervene in our affairs and fix them. If a being does intervene it will most likely be to rule us and not to free us."
Corey Goode at:
I have a different take on the notion that aliens are superior. Planet Earth is prime real estate because we are a geneetic mixture of multiple ET races that have performed so many genetic experiments with humans that earth humans are now a library of genetic information. Most of these advanced races have lost the ability to feel emotion and to access the quantum field through their own being. They have developed technology outside themselves where humans have that ability to access from inside themselves. Julie Ryder
"WE as a people are in the process of co-creating a new future. What that future will be is still up to us and is a wet piece of clay that each of us have our hands on. We as individuals, each a portion of the mass consciousness, have the power to make a difference. We need to make sure we do the inner work and make sure we are not looking outside ourselves for an alliance group or non-human savior race to intervene in our affairs and fix them. If a being does intervene it will most likely be to rule us and not to free us."
Corey Goode at:
women and enlightenment:
a historical perspective of herstory
There is compelling evidence coming out that Einstein did not formulate his own theories. The genius was his first wife (formerly his mistress) Mileva Maric. Three of the five papers that form the basis of relativity were published under both names. Mileva studied under the leading professors at the cutting edge of the new science. She got the job Einstein applied for doing research in the best equipped laboratory in Europe at that time. The manuscript on relativity in 1905 was submitted under Mileva Mairc family name and Albert Einstein. They worked together for 16 years. Letters recently found in Hebrew University in Israel reveal dozens of statements in Albert's own handwriting referring to their collaboration and "our theory". The smoking gun is the fact that Mileva and Albert Einstein divorced in 1919, but as part of the divorce settlement, Einstein agreed to pay his ex-wife every krona of any future Nobel Prize he might be awarded. Maria retained the original papers published with her name first. |
RADIOACTIVITY "For three decades, Lise Meitner and Otto Hahn worked together in researching radioactivity and they even discovered the element protactinium together. However, she had to flee Germany and leave Hahn in the 1930s. She offered the first explanation for tremendous amounts of energy that would be produced during nuclear fission. Hahn then wrote a paper based on that idea, but did not credit Meitner. Without that credit, Meitner was excluded when Hahn was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1944." |
"There is probably no other woman scientist with as much controversy surrounding her life and work as Rosalind Franklin. Franklin was responsible for much of the research and discovery work that led to the understanding of the structure of deoxyribonucleic acid, DNA". Watson, Crick, and Wilkins received the Nobel Prize in 1962. |
"Franklin attended a conference given at Cavendish to observe an early DNA model being proposed by Watson and Crick. She was quite critical of their work, feeling that they were basing their model solely on conjecture whereas her own work was based on solid evidence.
Wilkins who was Franklin's college, came to be in possession of Franklin’s notes and the files containing Photo 51. Wilkins removed the photo from her records without her knowledge or permission and took it to show his friends at Cavendish. [Related: 'Lost' Letters Reveal Twists in Discovery of Double Helix]
“My mouth fell open and my pulse began to race,” wrote Watson in his famous book, "The Double Helix." It was the one bit of information that he and Crick needed to complete an accurate model of the structure of DNA. Photo 51 was proof that DNA’s helical structure had two strands attached in the middle by the phosphate bases. They hurried to publish their findings in the journal Nature. The same issue of the journal published much shorter articles by Wilkins and Franklin, but placed them after the longer article by James Watson, seeming to imply that their work merely served to confirm the important discovery made by Watson and Crick rather than being integral to it. "
Wilkins who was Franklin's college, came to be in possession of Franklin’s notes and the files containing Photo 51. Wilkins removed the photo from her records without her knowledge or permission and took it to show his friends at Cavendish. [Related: 'Lost' Letters Reveal Twists in Discovery of Double Helix]
“My mouth fell open and my pulse began to race,” wrote Watson in his famous book, "The Double Helix." It was the one bit of information that he and Crick needed to complete an accurate model of the structure of DNA. Photo 51 was proof that DNA’s helical structure had two strands attached in the middle by the phosphate bases. They hurried to publish their findings in the journal Nature. The same issue of the journal published much shorter articles by Wilkins and Franklin, but placed them after the longer article by James Watson, seeming to imply that their work merely served to confirm the important discovery made by Watson and Crick rather than being integral to it. "
"Pulsars are the remnants of massive stars that went supernova. Their very existence demonstrates that these giants didn't blow themselves into oblivion—instead, they left behind small, incredibly dense, rotating stars." While working as a postgrad, Jocelyn Bell Burnell observed radio pulsars for the first time. Despite being the first one to actually see them, she was passed over when the discovery was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1974. Instead, it went to her advisor and another colleague. Though many expressed outrage over Bell’s omission, she never expressed any disappointment on the matter publicly. |
Indigenous ceremonies in the Chaco Area.
During annual ceremonies held on the Holy Grounds in New Mexico which is located in the vicinity of Chaco Canyon, the ancient petroglyphs and pictographs are read and interpreted by the Keeper of the Land.
Some of these exact same glyphs appear in Chaco Canyon.
This Keeper was chosen as a small child and trained by the twelve medicine men of the Navajo. The Keeper is a twin which is the essential criteria as well as a descendant of the Navajo, Hopi and Pueblo blood lines. This area belongs to the tribe and is guarded and protected by locked gates. Only authorized people are allowed to be escorted inside.
Sandstone walls reaching stories high are covered with petroglyphs depicting the seeding of our earth from star ships out of which flow animals, plants, and a variety of human like figures. The glyphs are about the history of the Star Nations, star maps, genetic engineering, astro- physics and spiritual teachings. A few of the glyphs are at ground level and are accessed by an offering, a specific ceremony and by touching the glyph in a specific way. The knowledge is downloaded in holographic form directly into the mind of the human participant. Quantum Physics concepts are the common language here.
Ceremonies to Re-Make the World have been performed here for 841 consecutive years since this tribe migrated into the area and were integrated into the Indigenous People already living on this land.
Crystal gazing, ancient songs, corn meal paintings and meetings with the Star People embed the knowledge. Very specific ceremonies performed around glyphs, calendars and crystals alter the DNA codons as it is described by the Elders.
This is where the Indigenous Elders from all over the world gathered in 1998 to perform Changing of the World Ceremonies and write the next calendars for the Sixth World. They telepathically communicated in the original language after the English translators were dismissed because the English language does not contain the concepts they wished to communicate. Their teachings were the same and the ceremonies were similar all around the world. The Elders renewed the Original Instructions and re-set time.
Some of these exact same glyphs appear in Chaco Canyon.
This Keeper was chosen as a small child and trained by the twelve medicine men of the Navajo. The Keeper is a twin which is the essential criteria as well as a descendant of the Navajo, Hopi and Pueblo blood lines. This area belongs to the tribe and is guarded and protected by locked gates. Only authorized people are allowed to be escorted inside.
Sandstone walls reaching stories high are covered with petroglyphs depicting the seeding of our earth from star ships out of which flow animals, plants, and a variety of human like figures. The glyphs are about the history of the Star Nations, star maps, genetic engineering, astro- physics and spiritual teachings. A few of the glyphs are at ground level and are accessed by an offering, a specific ceremony and by touching the glyph in a specific way. The knowledge is downloaded in holographic form directly into the mind of the human participant. Quantum Physics concepts are the common language here.
Ceremonies to Re-Make the World have been performed here for 841 consecutive years since this tribe migrated into the area and were integrated into the Indigenous People already living on this land.
Crystal gazing, ancient songs, corn meal paintings and meetings with the Star People embed the knowledge. Very specific ceremonies performed around glyphs, calendars and crystals alter the DNA codons as it is described by the Elders.
This is where the Indigenous Elders from all over the world gathered in 1998 to perform Changing of the World Ceremonies and write the next calendars for the Sixth World. They telepathically communicated in the original language after the English translators were dismissed because the English language does not contain the concepts they wished to communicate. Their teachings were the same and the ceremonies were similar all around the world. The Elders renewed the Original Instructions and re-set time.
Chaco Canyon in New Mexico, USA is built in a similar configuration to the Mother Board on a computer.
See Ancient Technology Page under heading:
See Ancient Technology Page under heading:
Extraterrestrials have been coming to earth for eons to extract gold, mercury, minerals and other resources for transport off planet. Accepting the basic premise of the thousands of Sumerian documents, the creation stories of Indigenous Peoples world wide and the emerging evidence of the Secret Space Program is essential to understanding the next permutation.
Discoveries of out- of- place artifacts as as well as a world wide ancient global language is currently in news reports across the world. Megalithic sites built with a high level of technology that fit a specific earth grid contribute to the growing body of evidence. Extraterrestrials have been involved with the engineering of planet earth and the human genome as well as extracting resources. These undeniable facts are becoming common knowledge.
Paul Pino, a Laguna Pueblo Councilman, states that in the oral history of the Pueblo it is said that
"People with enormous spiritual power and power over other people appeared in Chaco." (2)
The Mystery of Chaco Canyon film reveals that between 850 and 1150 AD, the Chacoan people designed and constructed massive ceremonial buildings in a complex celestial pattern throughout a vast desert region. Aerial and time lapse footage, computer modeling, and interviews with scholars show how the Chacoan culture designed, oriented and located its major buildings in relationship to the sun and moon.
The film challenges the notion that Chaco Canyon was primarily a trade and redistribution center. Rather it argues that it was a center of astronomy and cosmology and that a primary purpose for the construction of the elaborate Chacoan buildings and certain roads was to express astronomical interests and to be integral parts of a celestial patterning. (2)
The North/South 108th longitude line runs through the Chaco meridian at Aztec Ruin. This same longitude line rungs through the Big Horn Medicine Wheel in Wyoming and Casa Grande in New Mexico.
Discoveries of out- of- place artifacts as as well as a world wide ancient global language is currently in news reports across the world. Megalithic sites built with a high level of technology that fit a specific earth grid contribute to the growing body of evidence. Extraterrestrials have been involved with the engineering of planet earth and the human genome as well as extracting resources. These undeniable facts are becoming common knowledge.
Paul Pino, a Laguna Pueblo Councilman, states that in the oral history of the Pueblo it is said that
"People with enormous spiritual power and power over other people appeared in Chaco." (2)
The Mystery of Chaco Canyon film reveals that between 850 and 1150 AD, the Chacoan people designed and constructed massive ceremonial buildings in a complex celestial pattern throughout a vast desert region. Aerial and time lapse footage, computer modeling, and interviews with scholars show how the Chacoan culture designed, oriented and located its major buildings in relationship to the sun and moon.
The film challenges the notion that Chaco Canyon was primarily a trade and redistribution center. Rather it argues that it was a center of astronomy and cosmology and that a primary purpose for the construction of the elaborate Chacoan buildings and certain roads was to express astronomical interests and to be integral parts of a celestial patterning. (2)
The North/South 108th longitude line runs through the Chaco meridian at Aztec Ruin. This same longitude line rungs through the Big Horn Medicine Wheel in Wyoming and Casa Grande in New Mexico.
Compare the oldest "Monastic site" in Egypt to Chaco Canyon
On March 14, 2021 Patricia Awyan posted a photograph on the Khemit Mystery School Facebook site of the "Oldest archaeologically attested monastic site discovered in Egypt's Bahariya Oasis". I was astounded at the similarities to Chaco Canyon in New Mexico.
My theory that Chaco Canyon was originally built as a Stellar Transport Facility was published here several years ago.
Ten massive buildings with a total of over 3,000 rooms, not intended for residential use, were built from stones transported from miles away at Chaco Canyon in New Mexico, USA. Pueblo Bonita, the largest complex, covers three acres. Rooms four to five stories high were closed off from the outside, from the plaza and from each other. The rooms have no ventilation therefore fires were not made there.
Excavation and imaging of the Chaco site shows very little evidence of continuous human habitation, very little trash mounds and few burial sites. There is evidence that thousands of people visited the site in specific time increments but did not reside here. One large mound at the top of the canyon contains only broken pottery again deposited in specific time increments.
According to the mainstream archaeologists Chaco was built over a period of 250 years by thousands of workers. Food was imported and water was scarce. In reality was this much older site re-occupied by more recent Pueblo People?
Were these closed rooms and spaces built to store gold, minerals and resources awaiting the arrival of the stellar transport shuttles? Was the pottery used to transport these goods and then broken in a ceremonial fashion as an offering in Chaco Canyon?
Was the similar site in Egypt intentionally constructed as a stellar transport facility by a far more ancient world wide highly technologically advanced civilization?
Oldest archaeologically attested monastic site discovered in Egypt's Bahariya Oasis:
My theory that Chaco Canyon was originally built as a Stellar Transport Facility was published here several years ago.
Ten massive buildings with a total of over 3,000 rooms, not intended for residential use, were built from stones transported from miles away at Chaco Canyon in New Mexico, USA. Pueblo Bonita, the largest complex, covers three acres. Rooms four to five stories high were closed off from the outside, from the plaza and from each other. The rooms have no ventilation therefore fires were not made there.
Excavation and imaging of the Chaco site shows very little evidence of continuous human habitation, very little trash mounds and few burial sites. There is evidence that thousands of people visited the site in specific time increments but did not reside here. One large mound at the top of the canyon contains only broken pottery again deposited in specific time increments.
According to the mainstream archaeologists Chaco was built over a period of 250 years by thousands of workers. Food was imported and water was scarce. In reality was this much older site re-occupied by more recent Pueblo People?
Were these closed rooms and spaces built to store gold, minerals and resources awaiting the arrival of the stellar transport shuttles? Was the pottery used to transport these goods and then broken in a ceremonial fashion as an offering in Chaco Canyon?
Was the similar site in Egypt intentionally constructed as a stellar transport facility by a far more ancient world wide highly technologically advanced civilization?
Oldest archaeologically attested monastic site discovered in Egypt's Bahariya Oasis:
Landing and loading platforms at chaco
Roads extending out from the Chaco complex cover over 95,000 square miles. These roads are remarkably straight, and carefully constructed. "The ones inside the canyon average about 15 feet in width, while the ones going out toward tend to be about twice that wide. The most significant aspect of the Chacoan roads is their straightness. The roads are generally aligned very precisely, and continue for considerable distances with the same alignment without curving or adapting to the landscape as modern roads and trails usually do. When they do change direction, it tends to be with sharp, angled turns rather than gentle curves. When a road comes to a mesa or cliff face, rather than curving or turning it will often go straight up with stairs carved into the rock and continue on top with its original alignment." (1)
The low hills known as Los Cerrillos contain deposits of copper, silver, lead, zinc, iron, gold, and turquoise. Potsherds from the Cerrillos mines indicates major periods of pre-historic utilization -1000-1150 or 1200 when Chaco Canyon (about 100 airline miles to the west) was the major center of cultural development.
In the Cerrillos Hills south of Santa Fe, Pueblo Indians for centuries had worked open-pit turquoise mines, removing some one hundred thousand tons of waste rock, with nothing more than muscle and primitive tools.
Was this vast system of engineered roads built to transport mineral resources to a central location to be picked up by stellar craft at specific time intervals
Dr. Donald Yates, a researcher and author of books on Native American history, writes on his blog that
"the Starnake people of Navajo legend are described as a regal race of white giants endowed with mining technology who dominated the West, enslaved lesser tribes, and had strongholds all through the Americas. They were either extinguished or ‘went back to the heavens.'”
Around 200,000 pieces of turquoise have been excavated from the ruins at Chaco Canyon. These turquoise and argillite (red) beads were found at Pueblo Alto.
Four Fingered Ones denotes Star Nation Progenitors with four fingers. Humans are the five fingered ones. (3)
Four Fingered One near counter rotating spirals denoting torroidal field technology inside a Changing of the World Symbol.
(4 and 5) |
Four Fingered One depicting Galaxy Spiral and the animals he brought to earth.
This glyph is much smaller but similar to the ones in the Holy Grounds that are interpreted by the Elders. |
I took this photo in 2008 while visiting Chaco after a ceremony in the Holy Ground where the Elders draws the symbol on the left over and over again in the sand while explaining the Changing of the Worlds. This symbol is at the top of the Navajo Calendar for the next 500 years. (6)
This hourglass symbol appears in crop circles, on a pyramid stone in Equador, on rock glyphs in Illinois and as a cymatic sound symbol. |
Knowledge of solar and lunar alignments demonstrated at chaco
A dagger of sunlight pierces this spiral at noon on the summer solstice. The spiral glyph is behind three slabs of sandstone. Moon light demarcates the 18 and 1/2 year cycle of minimum and maximum setting of the moon. Seven buildings in Chaco are aligned to the moon cycles. Chaco is the only structure discovered so far in North America that demonstrates the moon cycles. (2)
structures in chaco follow pattern of older centers in peru
Sechin Bajo in Peru was carbon dated to around 3,500 BCE which is about 4,350 years before Chaco according to archaeologists. Notice the similarity to Chaco.
Caral in Peru was also dated to the time period of 3,500 BCE. Notice the square rooms, circular structures and geometric design that is very similar to Chaco. |
Aerial view of pueblo bonita in chaco canyon
Peru is the first ranked producer of gold, silver, zinc, lead, tin, and tellurium and the second ranked producer of copper in South America. Chaco follows the pattern of more ancient sites in South America that were build near sites rich in minerals.
Sechin Bajo and Caral in Peru are on vortex point #35 on the Global Earth Energy Grid Map. (8)
Sechin Bajo and Caral in Peru are on vortex point #35 on the Global Earth Energy Grid Map. (8)
Discovery of an underground labyrinth in Egypt was published in 2008.
While listening to the You tube presentations of the underground Labyrinth re-discovered in Egypt my mind started to make connections. There are 3,000 chambers in the labyrinth in Egypt. There are 3,000 chambers in Chaco Canyon not intended for human use. Perhaps both sites were used for stellar transport. |
A 17th Century depiction of the Egyptian Labyrinth based on more ancient descriptions. (9)
References and Links
1. Chaco Roads:
2. The Mystery of Chaco Canyon
3. See Ancient Pictograph Page under heading FOUR FINGERED ONES
4. See Ancient Pictograph Page under heading ANCIENT TECHNOLOGY DEPICTED IN GLYPHS
5. See Ancient Pictograph Page under the heading CHANGING OF THE WORLD SYMBOL
6. See Conversations with Elders Page
7. Chaco Mining: cerrillos-mines
8. See Earth Energy Grid - Global Page
9. Egyptian Labyrinth
1. Chaco Roads:
2. The Mystery of Chaco Canyon
3. See Ancient Pictograph Page under heading FOUR FINGERED ONES
4. See Ancient Pictograph Page under heading ANCIENT TECHNOLOGY DEPICTED IN GLYPHS
5. See Ancient Pictograph Page under the heading CHANGING OF THE WORLD SYMBOL
6. See Conversations with Elders Page
7. Chaco Mining: cerrillos-mines
8. See Earth Energy Grid - Global Page
9. Egyptian Labyrinth
giants walked the earth
Corey Goode describes stasis beings in time chambers in earthen mounds around the world. |
The colossal statue of Shapur I (in Persian : پیکره شاپور یکم) looks so similar to the Giant in the stasis chamber shown at the left. This statue is of
Shapur I (240-272 BC), the second king of the Sassanid Empire , found in the cave called Shapur, a huge cave of limestone situated about 6 km. the ancient city of Bishapur in southern Iran . The statue is about 35 meters from the entrance of the cave, in the fourth of the five terraces, located approximately 3.4 m. below the level of the entrance of the cave. Its height is about 6.7 m. and with a width of more than 2 m. It is considered one of the most impressive sculptures of the Sassanian era. Wikipedia |
Monolith Giant of stone The Rock Zuma in Nigeria "the rock with a human face"
The White spot on the rock is believed by many observers resembles a human face, therefore there is a myth from long ago that the rock have supernatural powers.…/zuma-rock-niger-abuja.h…
The White spot on the rock is believed by many observers resembles a human face, therefore there is a myth from long ago that the rock have supernatural powers.…/zuma-rock-niger-abuja.h…
This photo was taken from a video clip of an island off the coast of Brazil where giant figures are preserved in stone.
Video shows giant rock faces off Cantabrian coast of Spain.
Genetic analysis of the DNA from Native American tribes has shown that they are comprised of five distinct mtDNA haplogroups called A, B, C, D and X. Haplogroup X is present in three percent of living Native Americans and, unlike the other four types, is not found in East Asia/Alaska, but is primarily European.
Haplogroup X in the New World was NOT the result of colonial era intermarriages. "X" is of ANCIENT origin.
The X Haplogroup appears to have entered EASTERN America/Canada, in limited numbers, perhaps as long ago as 34,000 BC, and around 12,000 BC to 10,000 BC appears in much greater numbers. These migratory waves during the Pleistocene (ice age) match perfectly the dates associated with peopling of WESTERN Europe with Cro magnon.
Species with Amnesia: Our Forgotten History
Haplogroup X in the New World was NOT the result of colonial era intermarriages. "X" is of ANCIENT origin.
The X Haplogroup appears to have entered EASTERN America/Canada, in limited numbers, perhaps as long ago as 34,000 BC, and around 12,000 BC to 10,000 BC appears in much greater numbers. These migratory waves during the Pleistocene (ice age) match perfectly the dates associated with peopling of WESTERN Europe with Cro magnon.
Species with Amnesia: Our Forgotten History