APRIL 7, 2017
Andrew Barker announced: "We have undertaken an extensive deep scanning project and already it has shown huge amounts of data on the history of this area. Now some of the Megalithic structures speak for themselves, others are a question of visual interpretation. But it is the combination of science, native myths and legends, glyphs, massive research and unquestionable images that lead to initial conclusions.
"Now we only know a fraction of the macro picture; but that is enough to understand the sites importance. The archaeologists will need many decades to formulate the micro picture. We must expect with a site of this scale that this could last into the next century."
"Now we only know a fraction of the macro picture; but that is enough to understand the sites importance. The archaeologists will need many decades to formulate the micro picture. We must expect with a site of this scale that this could last into the next century."
Dolmens in Montana is page one of a four page series. Page two is Megaliths in Montana which is research, photos and comparisons with other megalithic sites around the world. Mega Correlations is the latest page where I relate new discoveries and ongoing research. The fourth page in this series is Montana Earth Energy Grid which contains photos of rock cairns, Sun Wheels, Medicine Wheels huge rock sculpted faces and information about how the earth energy grids line up across Montana.
We have discovered the Montana Megaliths and Dolmen sites in the last few years. They are some of the oldest structures on the face of the planet. We are looking at the remnants of an ancient world wide very advanced civilization that has been affected by cataclysmic asteroid strikes, floods, and thousands of years of erosion. Astounding that a few of these structures are still somewhat intact above ground.
My husband, Bill Ryder, discovered the Goddess Dolmen on a motorcycle ride through a high mountain meadow several years ago however the art sculptures on Animal Rocks were discovered recently. We discovered the Boulder Dolmen in 2011. Pipestone Dolmen was discovered behind Ringing Rocks during Quantum Camp in 2012. Tizer Dolmen was found in the summer of 2012 and the Tizer Acoustic Chamber was first activated in 2016. Giant's Playground was first explored on Valentines Day of 2015. Mystery Rock Complex was first first found in the Spring of 2016. Eagle's Lookout was first explored in the Summer of 2016.
We have discovered the Montana Megaliths and Dolmen sites in the last few years. They are some of the oldest structures on the face of the planet. We are looking at the remnants of an ancient world wide very advanced civilization that has been affected by cataclysmic asteroid strikes, floods, and thousands of years of erosion. Astounding that a few of these structures are still somewhat intact above ground.
My husband, Bill Ryder, discovered the Goddess Dolmen on a motorcycle ride through a high mountain meadow several years ago however the art sculptures on Animal Rocks were discovered recently. We discovered the Boulder Dolmen in 2011. Pipestone Dolmen was discovered behind Ringing Rocks during Quantum Camp in 2012. Tizer Dolmen was found in the summer of 2012 and the Tizer Acoustic Chamber was first activated in 2016. Giant's Playground was first explored on Valentines Day of 2015. Mystery Rock Complex was first first found in the Spring of 2016. Eagle's Lookout was first explored in the Summer of 2016.
The tallest dolmens and the largest standing stone intentionally constructed blocks in the ancient world were made from geopolymer concrete. Several examples of these cyclopean structures have been discovered and verified at the Montana Megaliths in the USA.
The largest duoliths are supported by a evenly segmented geopolyer concrete support dike on the downhill side. This dike is often a different color and texture. The dikes are segmented to allow for movement during an earthquake.
The largest duoliths are supported by a evenly segmented geopolyer concrete support dike on the downhill side. This dike is often a different color and texture. The dikes are segmented to allow for movement during an earthquake.
Julie Ryder at the base of the Gift Dolmen.
Balanced in a cradle several of these two matching block duoliths still stand upright. The base of the upright blocks are perfectly curved i n a half circle that was cut into bedrock.
The same construction technology featuring curved bottom upright blocks used at the base of towering duoliths was used to build the tallest dolmens which are often balanced on supporting platforms. |
Segmented dike at the base of the Gift Dolmen
Tesla Team discovers The Gift Dolmen in 2017.
The tallest dolmen in the world that has been verified so far is the Evergreen Dolmen at Giant's Playground. Evergreen Dolmen measures 83 feet from the ground level to the top of the capstone. The base of Evergreen Dolmen at surface level features covered construction with a geopolymer coating.
The largest duoliths are towers inserted into huge oval-shaped walls that enclose concentric circular construction much like the cyclopean walls at Gornaya Shoria in Russia.
Giant granite sculptured foot at the base of Pipestone Wall in the Montana Megalaliths. Note the anatomical details of the toenails and horizontal lines demarkating the distal phalanges.
This issue of assigning artifacts that are being discovered in the Montana Megaliths to "cultural threads" presents a major challenge to the purported mainsteam timelines and theories of advanced civilizations.
There are no Indigenous Native American Tribes that claim to have continuously occupied or originated in Montana. According to the Blackfeet their ancestors migrated here from the Northeast and Great Lakes area. (1)
There is "a bewildering array of remnants of ancient civilizations with which modern investigators are confronted. When these remnants present themselves in one particular area (for example, the Middle East), it is very difficult for those approaching its study to untangle and discriminate between the older and newer relics and their various cultural threads. Accurate perception is impossible when compounded by the accumulations of modern cultural, religious and educational hypnosis." (2)
"Yet alternative archeologists have helped bring in a great deal of discrimination in this area, discerning for instance what is ‘megalithic’ or ‘Inca’, reversing what establishment archeology teaches." (2)
This issue of assigning artifacts that are being discovered in the Montana Megaliths to "cultural threads" presents a major challenge to the purported mainsteam timelines and theories of advanced civilizations.
There are no Indigenous Native American Tribes that claim to have continuously occupied or originated in Montana. According to the Blackfeet their ancestors migrated here from the Northeast and Great Lakes area. (1)
There is "a bewildering array of remnants of ancient civilizations with which modern investigators are confronted. When these remnants present themselves in one particular area (for example, the Middle East), it is very difficult for those approaching its study to untangle and discriminate between the older and newer relics and their various cultural threads. Accurate perception is impossible when compounded by the accumulations of modern cultural, religious and educational hypnosis." (2)
"Yet alternative archeologists have helped bring in a great deal of discrimination in this area, discerning for instance what is ‘megalithic’ or ‘Inca’, reversing what establishment archeology teaches." (2)
Who would have imagined that in a corner of the Masonic Museum Library in Montana an old book published in 1916 contained writings that are highly relevant to the Montana Megaliths which were recently discovered a few miles away?
I was truly amazed. By page seven I was totally hooked.
Referencing the date of 3995 B.C. the author continues, "When the World, naked and fleeting ran danger of being lost by the way, they transcribed it on the ground by the most visible, the most lasting and at the same time natural means. They enclosed each tradition in a monument."
"Stone was laid upon stone, these granite syllables were coupled together, the Word essayed some combinations. The Celtic dolmen and cromlech, the Etruscan tumulus, the Hebrew gilgal are words, some of them, the tumulus in particular are proper names."
"Occasionally when there were many stones and a vast expanse of ground, they wrote a sentence. The immense mass of stones at Karnac is already a complete formula."
"These symbols in which all humanity believed, continued to grow and multiply, becoming more and more complex. Of necessity the symbol must expand into an edifice."
The Beginning of Masonary Collection of 40 papers on the Hidden Mysteries of Ancient Freemasonary (Beginning on page 7)
by Frank C. Higgins F.R.N.S. Copyright 1916
I was truly amazed. By page seven I was totally hooked.
Referencing the date of 3995 B.C. the author continues, "When the World, naked and fleeting ran danger of being lost by the way, they transcribed it on the ground by the most visible, the most lasting and at the same time natural means. They enclosed each tradition in a monument."
"Stone was laid upon stone, these granite syllables were coupled together, the Word essayed some combinations. The Celtic dolmen and cromlech, the Etruscan tumulus, the Hebrew gilgal are words, some of them, the tumulus in particular are proper names."
"Occasionally when there were many stones and a vast expanse of ground, they wrote a sentence. The immense mass of stones at Karnac is already a complete formula."
"These symbols in which all humanity believed, continued to grow and multiply, becoming more and more complex. Of necessity the symbol must expand into an edifice."
The Beginning of Masonary Collection of 40 papers on the Hidden Mysteries of Ancient Freemasonary (Beginning on page 7)
by Frank C. Higgins F.R.N.S. Copyright 1916
Curious about the parabolic curved shape of specific megalithic stones structures and their unique placement in the Montana Megalithic complexes, our research team sought answers.
The discovery and experience of the amplification of harmonic frequencies at the Tizer Acoustic Chamber above Tizer Dolmen set our minds and bodies reeling, spinning and reverberating. The three sonic knobs (protuberances) on the outside of the Tizer Sound Chamber are parabolic shape. The knobs are on the lower side of a granite rock face and are placed in the same exact pattern as the Belt in the Orion Star Constellation.
The Montana Dolmen Research Team coined the name "sonic knobs" because the word protuberances did not describe our experiences.
The Montana Dolmen Research Team coined the name "sonic knobs" because the word protuberances did not describe our experiences.
The sound of a human voice toning into the three sonic knobs of the Tizer Acoustic Chamber vibrated through the Tizer Dolmen. At one specific place on the rock covered hillside between the dolmen and the acoustic chamber a female voice rang out bouncing off a specific mountain and returned to where I was standing.
tizer acoustic chamber: Is this an even older sphinx?
It has been suggested that the Tizer Acoustic Chamber is the remnants of an ancient sphinx that is missing the outer covering of tiles which define the details.
Positioned at the highest point on the hillside above the Tizer Dolmen the Sphinx figure faces south in the same alignment as the dolmen below it.
Xavier Segun's excellent article explains the alterations to the Egyptian Sphinx. "Colin Reader noted that the current head ‘of Egyptian pharaoh’ is much too small for the body of the Sphinx and that, although it has been vandalized, the face did not alter like the body, which tends to prove that it is not the original one. Reader thinks that this head of pharaoh was resculpted from a head of lion very damaged by the rain, as the body. That is why the head is so small." The Sphinx is hollow inside.
Positioned at the highest point on the hillside above the Tizer Dolmen the Sphinx figure faces south in the same alignment as the dolmen below it.
Xavier Segun's excellent article explains the alterations to the Egyptian Sphinx. "Colin Reader noted that the current head ‘of Egyptian pharaoh’ is much too small for the body of the Sphinx and that, although it has been vandalized, the face did not alter like the body, which tends to prove that it is not the original one. Reader thinks that this head of pharaoh was resculpted from a head of lion very damaged by the rain, as the body. That is why the head is so small." The Sphinx is hollow inside.
Inside the acoustic chamber the structure is pink granite while the outer covering looks like a smooth geopolymer gray concrete type substance.
Several Researchers toned into the sonic knobs with combinations of vocal sounds. Certain frequencies reverberated and others did not depending on the pitch of the voice and where the listener was positioned. Certain voices vibrated together and others had no effect.
The outer coating of the chamber is a gray geopolymer concrete type substance while the inside is pink granite.
Cameron Krizek experimented with a range of sound frequencies in his low vibrating voice which sounds like a didgeridoo from Australia. He climbed inside the Tizer Acoustic Chamber and projected his voice to a specific rock. When Cameron sounded a frequency wave penetrated and reverberated inside our bodies. We did not hear it with our physical ears we felt it inside bouncing around. The earth moved. Only those in the corridor felt the wave...those to either side did not experience or even hear the sound.
There were infra-sound qualities which affected my brain waves similar to my experiences in altered states of consciousness.
One level of knowledge is intellectual assumptions based on empirical data. A deeper level of knowing is to experience the phenomena personally. An even more profound understanding is when groups of people have the same experience at the same time as evidenced by every person that was in the corridor felt the deep tones of Cameron's voice penetrate their lower body.
People outside the corridor report that they neither heard nor felt anything unusual. The sonic knobs are tuned to specific tones and the sound emitted is projected on a specific trajectory.
This experience was like strumming the base chakra then raising the kundalini through the crown.
Cameron Krizek experimented with a range of sound frequencies in his low vibrating voice which sounds like a didgeridoo from Australia. He climbed inside the Tizer Acoustic Chamber and projected his voice to a specific rock. When Cameron sounded a frequency wave penetrated and reverberated inside our bodies. We did not hear it with our physical ears we felt it inside bouncing around. The earth moved. Only those in the corridor felt the wave...those to either side did not experience or even hear the sound.
There were infra-sound qualities which affected my brain waves similar to my experiences in altered states of consciousness.
One level of knowledge is intellectual assumptions based on empirical data. A deeper level of knowing is to experience the phenomena personally. An even more profound understanding is when groups of people have the same experience at the same time as evidenced by every person that was in the corridor felt the deep tones of Cameron's voice penetrate their lower body.
People outside the corridor report that they neither heard nor felt anything unusual. The sonic knobs are tuned to specific tones and the sound emitted is projected on a specific trajectory.
This experience was like strumming the base chakra then raising the kundalini through the crown.
ancient parabolic acoustic stone mirrors
Several parabolic shapes are smoothly and perfectly embedded in the rock formations around the Tizer Acoustic Chamber. Nick Tenney demonstrates a parabolic mirror just below the Chamber which is positioned to transfer sound out across the valley below.
"Sound waves can be reflected as a focused beam, just like light waves. When a sound wave encounters a plane hard surface at a given angle, it will be reflected at the same angle. But when the surface is curved different parts of the wave may be reflected in different directions. Parabolic mirrors exploit this fact in order to focus oncoming wave fronts into a single point of high energy intensity - the focus."
4.5-metre-high (14 ft 9 in) WW1 concrete acoustic mirror near Kilnsea Grange, East Yorkshire, UK. The pipe which held the "collector head" (microphone) can be seen in front of the structure
"An acoustic mirror is a passive device used to reflect and focus (concentrate) sound waves. Parabolic acoustic mirrors are widely used in parabolic microphones to pick up sound from great distances, employed in surveillance and reporting of outdoor sporting events. Pairs of large parabolic acoustic mirrors which function as "whisper galleries" are displayed in science museums to demonstrate sound focusing.
Between the World Wars, before the invention of radar, parabolic sound mirrors were used experimentally as early-warning devices by military air defence forces to detect incoming enemy aircraft by listening for the sound of their engines. During World War 2 on the coast of southern England, a network of large concrete acoustic mirrors was in the process of being built when the project was cancelled owing to the development of the Chain Home radar system. Many of these mirrors are still standing today." |
" The exterior wall opposite the sonic knobs of is a convex shape just like concert halls are designed to project the sound outwards which in this case is across the valley below. The top of the rock structure is beveled in a concave design.
Ancient Architectural Acoustic Resonance Patterns and Regional Brain Activity by Ian A. Cook, Sarah K. Pajot, Andrew F. Leuchter is a fascinating article.
"The correct frequency can induced in the listener altered states of consciousness – hallucination, vision, flash, full understanding, etc. – but also rare emotional states – empathy, openness of heart, curiosity, kindness, enthusiasm, etc.. The Atlanteans, heirs of a continuous civilization for a hundred thousand years, mastered these techniques and architectural engineering that result."
Ancient Architectural Acoustic Resonance Patterns and Regional Brain Activity by Ian A. Cook, Sarah K. Pajot, Andrew F. Leuchter is a fascinating article.
"The correct frequency can induced in the listener altered states of consciousness – hallucination, vision, flash, full understanding, etc. – but also rare emotional states – empathy, openness of heart, curiosity, kindness, enthusiasm, etc.. The Atlanteans, heirs of a continuous civilization for a hundred thousand years, mastered these techniques and architectural engineering that result."
flute spire
Above the Tizer Dolmen the Tizer Acoustic Chamber broadcasts infrasound which penetrates the human body and vibrates internally. Just below the sonic knobs Cameron Krizek discovered a flute-type rock chamber. Notice the tapered flattening of the flute shaped rock above the opening of the air chamber. Cameron Krizek adjusts the "tuning slide" which is shaped and inset exactly like a wooden flute is constructed.
Just below the whistle shaped opening you can see that a seam separates the single curved inset piece of stone completing the tapered instrument.
Parabolic shaped rocks and larger sonic knobs are strategically placed throughout the complex with the Tizer Dolmen at the base of the downward sloping rock formations.
Just below the whistle shaped opening you can see that a seam separates the single curved inset piece of stone completing the tapered instrument.
Parabolic shaped rocks and larger sonic knobs are strategically placed throughout the complex with the Tizer Dolmen at the base of the downward sloping rock formations.
Wedged into a opening of the Flute Spire between the Tizer Acoustic Sphinx and the Tizer Dolmen is a carved rock which appears very similar is size and facial features to a statue of Nergal, the Mesopotamian God.
Spire Rock was first explored by Cameron Krizek in 2016. The Nergal statue was recognized as having facial features by Anna Fattarsi in the summer of 2017.
Nergal was the Mesopotamian god of death, pestilence and plague, and Lord of the Underworld. Nergal was Enki's son for all of you Zecharia Sitchin.
Spire Rock was first explored by Cameron Krizek in 2016. The Nergal statue was recognized as having facial features by Anna Fattarsi in the summer of 2017.
Nergal was the Mesopotamian god of death, pestilence and plague, and Lord of the Underworld. Nergal was Enki's son for all of you Zecharia Sitchin.
A rainbow stream of light emerges from the sonic knob over the third eye of the Picasso Princess at Spirit Temple Complex in Montana.
On the highest point on Mother Rock a single sonic knob faces the sky. Mother Rock is located directly between the Goddess Dolmen and Spirit Temple Rocks.
"This is the same sound the Earth made when it came into being, the same noise that happens at conception and the noise that a leaf makes when it unfurls in the spring." Leon Secatero (Navajo Headman)
Hypogeum of Hal Saflieni in Malta is believed to be the oldest prehistoric underground temple in the world. The characteristic that has been attracting experts from around the globe is the unique acoustic properties found within the underground chambers of the Hypogeum.
"The 'labyrinth', as it is often called, consists of a series of elliptical chambers of varying importance across three levels, to which access is gained by different corridors.
The principal rooms distinguish themselves by their domed vaulting and by the elaborate structure of false bays inspired by the doorways and windows of contemporary terrestrial constructions."
"Acoustic properties within the Hypogeum have already been studied extensively. It was found by Maltese composer Ruben Zahra and a research team from Italy that sound resonates at 110 Hz within the Oracle chamber, and this matches the same or similar frequency that has been found in many other ancient chambers around the world, including Newgrange in Ireland."
"Their findings indicated that at 110 Hz the patterns of activity over the prefrontal cortex abruptly shifted, resulting in a relative deactivation of the language center and a temporary shifting from left to right-sided dominance related to emotional processing. This shifting did not occur at other frequencies."
Freddy Silva teaches that the Hypogeum Hal Salflieni in Malta, the Kings Chamber in the Great Pyramid in Giza and multiple chambers in Ireland, England and France all resonate at 110-112 hertz. Silva adds that the quartz, iron and magnetite in the stone produced an energy field that stimulates the pineal gland to produce more DMT resulting in an altered state of consciousness.
"The 'labyrinth', as it is often called, consists of a series of elliptical chambers of varying importance across three levels, to which access is gained by different corridors.
The principal rooms distinguish themselves by their domed vaulting and by the elaborate structure of false bays inspired by the doorways and windows of contemporary terrestrial constructions."
"Acoustic properties within the Hypogeum have already been studied extensively. It was found by Maltese composer Ruben Zahra and a research team from Italy that sound resonates at 110 Hz within the Oracle chamber, and this matches the same or similar frequency that has been found in many other ancient chambers around the world, including Newgrange in Ireland."
"Their findings indicated that at 110 Hz the patterns of activity over the prefrontal cortex abruptly shifted, resulting in a relative deactivation of the language center and a temporary shifting from left to right-sided dominance related to emotional processing. This shifting did not occur at other frequencies."
Freddy Silva teaches that the Hypogeum Hal Salflieni in Malta, the Kings Chamber in the Great Pyramid in Giza and multiple chambers in Ireland, England and France all resonate at 110-112 hertz. Silva adds that the quartz, iron and magnetite in the stone produced an energy field that stimulates the pineal gland to produce more DMT resulting in an altered state of consciousness.
Graham Hancock recently posted this article on his Facebook site.
"Some years ago there existed an ancient painting of this species inside the Hypogeum of Malta. It was scrubbed off the walls of the Hypogeum on the orders of a former director of the National Museum because it suggested that the Hypogeum -- a truly amazing rock-hewn underground structure -- might be much MUCH older than archaeologists want it to be.
Specifically it raised the paradigm-busting possibility that the Hypogeum might not date to the relatively recent Neolithic, as preached by archaeologists, but to the Upper Palaeolithic when humans, according to orthodox teachings, are not supposed to have had the ability to create massive rock-hewn and megalithic structures like the Hypogeum. I reported this whole scandal (which was originally brought to light by my friend Dr Anton Mifsud) at length in my 2002 book "Underworld".
Since then the discovery of Gobekli Tepe in Turkey has shown that advanced architectural and organisational abilities did indeed exist in the Upper Palaeolithic. And now we find that bison-bulls (hybrids of aurochs and bisons) of exactly the same type once depicted in the Hypogeum appear in other Upper Palaeolithic rock art. Instead of being 5,000 or 6,000 years old the Hypogeum may in fact be more than 20,000 years old."…/2016-10-higgs-bisonmystery-species-hidden…
"Some years ago there existed an ancient painting of this species inside the Hypogeum of Malta. It was scrubbed off the walls of the Hypogeum on the orders of a former director of the National Museum because it suggested that the Hypogeum -- a truly amazing rock-hewn underground structure -- might be much MUCH older than archaeologists want it to be.
Specifically it raised the paradigm-busting possibility that the Hypogeum might not date to the relatively recent Neolithic, as preached by archaeologists, but to the Upper Palaeolithic when humans, according to orthodox teachings, are not supposed to have had the ability to create massive rock-hewn and megalithic structures like the Hypogeum. I reported this whole scandal (which was originally brought to light by my friend Dr Anton Mifsud) at length in my 2002 book "Underworld".
Since then the discovery of Gobekli Tepe in Turkey has shown that advanced architectural and organisational abilities did indeed exist in the Upper Palaeolithic. And now we find that bison-bulls (hybrids of aurochs and bisons) of exactly the same type once depicted in the Hypogeum appear in other Upper Palaeolithic rock art. Instead of being 5,000 or 6,000 years old the Hypogeum may in fact be more than 20,000 years old."…/2016-10-higgs-bisonmystery-species-hidden…
There is a similar amphitheater parabolic shape at the base of Ringing Rocks behind the Pipestone Dolmen visible in the video linked below. This 3-D semicircle at the bottom of the mountain sends sound waves out across the valley. You can experience an example of the variety of harmonics tones created when the ringing rocks are struck with metal rods in the Ringing Rocks video:
Large concave parabolizing mirrors up to ten centimeters in diameter were found in Olmec ceremonial sites. The parabolic mirrors could focus sunlight and were made by unknown methods.
Scallop marks are found at known ancient quarry sites where granite stone has been scooped out and transported elsewhere. I recently found scallop marks in granite stone on a mountain side near Giant's Playground at the Montana Megaliths.
Pink Granite stone was highly prized by the ancient builders. Scallop marks in pink granite were discovered around the edges of Eagle's Lookout at the Montana Megaliths.
Scallop marks were found next to Unfinished Obelisk at Aswan, Egypt and at Gornaya Shoria in Russia - the site of the largest megalithic cut stones in the world. "It is not known what technique was employed for carving the granite from the quarry bed-rock and there are very unusual regularly-spaced "scallop" cuts all down the cut surfaces which cannot be explained by the current, frequently repeated, but yet unproven statement that they were "pounded out" by hitting with small balls of diorite. No scientific explanation of these scalloped cut marks has ever been published.(1)
Peter Brooks in his article titled Ancient Egyptian Technologies, referring to the Aswan Quarry site in Egypt, states that "the scallop marks are impossible to create by hand pounding." He shows evidence that machines were used. (2)
(1) Scallop Cuts:…/Obelisk_making_technology_in_anc
Pink Granite stone was highly prized by the ancient builders. Scallop marks in pink granite were discovered around the edges of Eagle's Lookout at the Montana Megaliths.
Scallop marks were found next to Unfinished Obelisk at Aswan, Egypt and at Gornaya Shoria in Russia - the site of the largest megalithic cut stones in the world. "It is not known what technique was employed for carving the granite from the quarry bed-rock and there are very unusual regularly-spaced "scallop" cuts all down the cut surfaces which cannot be explained by the current, frequently repeated, but yet unproven statement that they were "pounded out" by hitting with small balls of diorite. No scientific explanation of these scalloped cut marks has ever been published.(1)
Peter Brooks in his article titled Ancient Egyptian Technologies, referring to the Aswan Quarry site in Egypt, states that "the scallop marks are impossible to create by hand pounding." He shows evidence that machines were used. (2)
(1) Scallop Cuts:…/Obelisk_making_technology_in_anc
Scallop marks are also called scooping marks. Yosef Awyan explains scooping marks on the Third Pyramid at Giza, Egypt at 7:39 minutes on this video:
Giza Plateau 2017: Obvious Evidence Of Lost Ancient High Technology
Giza Plateau 2017: Obvious Evidence Of Lost Ancient High Technology
montana megalith base CONSTRUCTION techniques
Unique construction patterns are evident at the largest dolmens and upright structures. Tizer Dolmen is rounded at the base fitting precisely into the support of polygonal blocks. Two matched upright slabs of granite with equal distance between them host the noon summer solstice sun.
Star Fire Monolith at Giant's Playground Phase Three has also been constructed in this unique shape. Two upright matched pillars with equal distance between them reach for the sky. The bottom tapers forming a curved base that fits into a cupped support stones supporting the massive weight of these upright megaliths. This curves shape is much like the parabolic sound directional mirror illustrated above.
Base features of the Gift of the Goddess Dolmen at Mystery Rocks Complex.
At this juncture we must consider the possibility that this is just the top section of a supporting structure that extends deep under the hillside. We may be only viewing the roof top so to speak. |
A member of the Tesla Team, Shawn Reddington named the Gift of the Goddess Dolmen.
Unique construction features of the largest dolmens, monoliths, pillars and standing stones has become a subject of intense interest in the ongoing research and discovery of the Montana Megaliths.
A curved base set into a carved cradle below has been documented at the Tizer Dolmen and Star Fire Monolith at Giant's Playground which are still standing. Several large blocks with curved ends have been found on the forest floor below larger structures as if they have fallen down. Stair stepped bases with rectangular slots much like a lego block have been discovered intact and also at the bottom of major megalith sites.
The recent discovery of The Gift of the Goddess Dolmen at Mystery Rocks Complex has added another enigma. The curved base is again balanced into a cradle. A sliced half circle of inset stones frames the front of the dolmen and forms the continuous side of the cradle underneath the sidewalls.
The Gift of the Goddess Dolmen was discovered by the Tesla Team. Nick Tenney found the curved base and took several photos of this unique feature as he described it to me. He immediately recognized the significance of this unique feature.
A curved base set into a carved cradle below has been documented at the Tizer Dolmen and Star Fire Monolith at Giant's Playground which are still standing. Several large blocks with curved ends have been found on the forest floor below larger structures as if they have fallen down. Stair stepped bases with rectangular slots much like a lego block have been discovered intact and also at the bottom of major megalith sites.
The recent discovery of The Gift of the Goddess Dolmen at Mystery Rocks Complex has added another enigma. The curved base is again balanced into a cradle. A sliced half circle of inset stones frames the front of the dolmen and forms the continuous side of the cradle underneath the sidewalls.
The Gift of the Goddess Dolmen was discovered by the Tesla Team. Nick Tenney found the curved base and took several photos of this unique feature as he described it to me. He immediately recognized the significance of this unique feature.
Curved end of a cyclopean block at Mystery Rocks Prime is the same shape suggesting that it may have fallen down the mountain and originally was one half of a twin pillar construct.
Carved pillars with a stepped base seem to be utilized on the side of steep walls or when set into another rock while the rounded base pillars are found cradled into bedrock. The base of this fallen pillar at Star Puzzle Complex is stepped with slots carved into each step. Note that the side of this pillar shown on the left is smooth while the other side behind Bill is rough.
At Giant's Playground this corner pillar is fitted with a stepped base and positioned on top of a support wall. The outside face of this same pillar is shown standing upright on the far right.
The smooth exterior casing has broken off on the bottom exposing rough granite or possibly geopolymer concrete underneath. |
Swooping curves that taper to precise angles are evidence of advanced technological engineering on a megalithic scale at the Montana Megaliths and similar sites in other locations around the world.
A huge section of cylindrical stone supports Evergreen Portal Dolmen at Giant's Playground in Montana. Another cylinder section has lodged at a 45 degree angle at the back of Evergreen Portal to the right and behind the two Explorers.
This is an excellent article on ancient construction: This article is more esoteric however it is intriguing. |
Castle Arcadion at Giant's Playground was constructed of pink granite with vertical seams that extend the full height of the structure. This exterior south wall appears similar to the pink granite wall at Ollantaytambo in Peru.
Thin slabs of pink granite are peeling off of the corner of the west wall of Castle Arcadion in thin sheets exposing gray concrete type blocks underneath. Christine Barrere is touching the south wall near where I am standing in the first photo shown above.
Smooth precisely sliced layers of pink granite are peeling off this rock in Phase Three of Giant's Playground. (photo right). |
Bob Newton, the Rogue Researcher produced a video about the pink granite walls at Ollantaytambo in Peru at the Temple of the Sun nicknamed the "Gamarra Stones".
See it at this link: Castle Arcadion is shown from the perspective of the south/west corner where the two walls meet. Note that a portion of the south wall is three vertical slabs while the west wall appears more like polygonal blocks coated with sheets of thin pink granite.
Different colored rocks out of place
The stripped upright pillar at the end of a corridor surrounded by bluish/gray granite stones on either side is definitely out of place inside Castle Arcadion at Giant's Playground in Montana, USA. Vertical blocks of granite with 90 degree cut angles form a second corridor where this boy's right hand is touching the left side wall.
A megalithic constructed underground tunnel as large as the internal structure of the Giza Pyramid was just discovered in the Kabardino-Balkaria Republic which is in the Caucasus Mountains. We are searching for similar tunnels or shafts here in Montana. |
One of the cardinal signs that megalithic structures are not naturally occurring upthrusts is that different colored rocks are interlocked or out of place.
Inset into a basic black granite double stacked block wall structure two pink stones are fitted on three sides and to each other. These pink blocks are obviously not the end result of a single boulder that fractured. |
Precision cuts cleanly separating megalithic boulder are prevalent throughout the Montana Megaliths.
Terry Davenport inspects the advanced engineering and technology necessary to slice through solid granite with such precision.
Terry Davenport inspects the advanced engineering and technology necessary to slice through solid granite with such precision.
Posted 12/24/2015
Montana Megaliths this columnPolygonal interlocking stone construction at Giant's Playground in Montana, USA Note the interlocking stones sealed together and the perfect isosceles triangle top right.
Giant's Playground in Montana, USA
Interlocking cap stone can clearly be seen from behind the Tizer Dolmen where the right upright pillar meets the capstone.
Megalithic construction in Russia on Mt. Shoria.
The man in the lower right of this photo gives a perspective to the size of these megaliths which weigh up to 3,000 tons. This is a megalithic stone wall in Saksaywaman, Peru. "The stones used in the construction of the terraces at Saksaywaman, which weigh up to 200 tons, are among the largest used in any building in prehispanic America, and display precision fitting.
This precision, combined with the rounded corners of the blocks, the variety of their interlocking shapes, and the way the walls lean inward have puzzled scientists for decades. " "These megaliths reach well back into the mists of pre-history, so far in fact, that conjecture about their ‘builders’, methods, purpose and meaning is pure speculation, and as such, I would hesitate to offer any observation at all, other than to say our pre-historical past is richer than we ever dreamed." John Jensen |
The latest scientific findings regarding the construction of the more ancient megalithic structures in South American and Egypt prove that the stones were melted together with high heat and molded.
"Each stone has been cut to interlock with surrounding stones...blocks fit together like a puzzle forming load bearing joints without the use of mortar. One common engineering technique involves cutting the top of one stone at a certain angle and placing another stone on top of it which was cut at the same angle."
"The precision with which these angles have been utilized to create a flush joint is indicative a a highly sophisticated knowledge of stone cutting and a thorough understanding of descripted geometry. Some of the joints are so precise that not even a razor blade will fit between the stones."
Brien Foerster - Ancient Civilizations Presentation
Link to a website article about the builders of monoliths throughout the world:
"Each stone has been cut to interlock with surrounding stones...blocks fit together like a puzzle forming load bearing joints without the use of mortar. One common engineering technique involves cutting the top of one stone at a certain angle and placing another stone on top of it which was cut at the same angle."
"The precision with which these angles have been utilized to create a flush joint is indicative a a highly sophisticated knowledge of stone cutting and a thorough understanding of descripted geometry. Some of the joints are so precise that not even a razor blade will fit between the stones."
Brien Foerster - Ancient Civilizations Presentation
Link to a website article about the builders of monoliths throughout the world:
Tizer Dolmen in Montana was constructed from slabs of granite as evidenced by the verticle seams which are visible even at the base of the left column.
The far left section is a long rectangular block with a 90 degree horizontal cross seam at the top and bottom. The capstone on top overlaps both columns with a circular overlap extending beyond the support horizontal pillars just like at Mount Shoria. |
Megalithic wall on Mount Shoria in Russia demonstrate a similar construction of horizontal seams connecting slabs of upright granite supporting smaller structures on top that overlap the horizontal seams. |
Spence Jackson in Evergreen Dolmen which is located at Giant's Playground Phase One in Montana, USA. This dolmen is one of six in a large megalithic complex.
Gary Loudermilk posted a photo on Facebook of a dolmen in Big Bend National Park specially in Grapevine in west Texas adjacent to the big bend of the Rio Grande river.
A molded symmetrical extension on the end and bottom of the rectangular block supporting the cap stone looks like an interlocking puzzle piece at Evergreen Dolmen in Giant's Playground Phase One. The granite veneer on the cylindrical support block appears to be peeling off. The cylinder sounds hollow like a drum.
Thunderbird carved about 10 feet up on a granite wall on the second terrace of Mystery Rocks Complex in Montana, USA. Notice the human ears and detail in the human type eyes.
Bennu Birdman near Castle Arcadion in Giant's Playground Phase Two.
See correlations on the Dolmens in Montana Page. |
We are discovering Birdman statues and imagery at the Megalithic and Dolmen sites that line up on a grid line in Montana, USA.
Birdman Diety are found in ancient as well as modern day Indigenous cultures world wide.
Wayne Herschel writes extensively about the relationship to the BIRD HEADED DEITIES WHO CAME FROM THE SKY IN CELESTIAL SHIPS at this link:…
Wayne Herschel makes correlations between Gobekli Tepe in Turkey and Cohokia in the USA in his beautifully illustrated article THE GLOBAL BIRDMAN DEITY APPEARS at this link:
Birdman Diety are found in ancient as well as modern day Indigenous cultures world wide.
Wayne Herschel writes extensively about the relationship to the BIRD HEADED DEITIES WHO CAME FROM THE SKY IN CELESTIAL SHIPS at this link:…
Wayne Herschel makes correlations between Gobekli Tepe in Turkey and Cohokia in the USA in his beautifully illustrated article THE GLOBAL BIRDMAN DEITY APPEARS at this link:
Corey Goode gives the following examples of the prevalance of Bird Gods:
"William Henry found ancient depictions of Blue Avians in Egyptian and other cultures, as reported in Cosmic Disclosure.
Bird-headed humanoids are seen in Babylonian and South American inscriptions as well as those of
Egypt. Certain Bible passages describe Archangel Gabriel as having a bird-like appearance.
Native American cultures also reported contact with “The Bird Tribes,” and the Japanese had the “Tengu bird-men of the mountains.”
Collage by Eric Smith
Hybrid Creatures of the Ancient World, a recent video on Gaia TV featuring Erich Van Daniken, proposes that hybrid creatures in several different varieties were genetically engineered by the "Gods" in ancient Egypt.
More and more solid--rock solid-- evidence is emerging into the public domain that a highly advanced race built huge megalithic structures in the remote past in this solar system. Frequently remains of these gargantuan edifices are found on the sides of high mountains around the world. During a series of cosmic realignments and cataclysmic earth changes this Ancient Builder Race retreated to higher ground.
Many different races have wandered, settled, built, lived and left this ancient land which has been re-seeded afterwards by the survivors and from beyond the event horizon. There were several permutations of world wide highly advanced civilizations which explains why the same architecture, language, legends and genetics have been spread across the world.
Piece by piece evidence is growing here in Montana which begins to connect pieces of this puzzle. Several examples of the world wide ancient language that match those found in Illinois which have proven to be an older and purer form of inscriptions from the Indus Valley Civilization have been documented here in Montana.
Graham Hancock shows photographic evidence of an ancient world wide civilization in this video:
World wide ancient megalithic sites are well documented at this link:
Russian Megaliths at this link:
Monoliths and Wireless Energy of the Ancient World
Many different races have wandered, settled, built, lived and left this ancient land which has been re-seeded afterwards by the survivors and from beyond the event horizon. There were several permutations of world wide highly advanced civilizations which explains why the same architecture, language, legends and genetics have been spread across the world.
Piece by piece evidence is growing here in Montana which begins to connect pieces of this puzzle. Several examples of the world wide ancient language that match those found in Illinois which have proven to be an older and purer form of inscriptions from the Indus Valley Civilization have been documented here in Montana.
Graham Hancock shows photographic evidence of an ancient world wide civilization in this video:
World wide ancient megalithic sites are well documented at this link:
Russian Megaliths at this link:
Monoliths and Wireless Energy of the Ancient World
Montana megaliths match australian megaliths
Tizer Dolmen in Montana is made of granite with high crystal content.
I showed photographs of the Tizer Dolmen to a Geologist at the Montana Tech School of Geology and Mines. He stated that the dolmen must be several hundred years old because the lichen growth that connected the lintel and the pillar was continuous and had not been disturbed. His point was that if it was constructed it was done so before the White Man settled in Montana. |
""But not just any old granite – this is Stanthorpe adamellite which is distinguished from ordinary granite by the presence of pink orthoclase feldspar, white plagioclase feldspar, black biotite mica and clear quartz in the rock."
Bald Rock is the largest granite monolith in the Southern Hemisphere and is located in Girraween Park in Queensland Australia. |
Dolmen above the Godsford Glyphs in Australia |
The capstone at the Evergreen Dolmen at Giant's Playground at the Montana Megaliths is very similar to dolmen above the Godsford Glyphs in Australia. Even the walls are similar.
Thank you Michelle Lepomme for the astute correlation.
Thank you Michelle Lepomme for the astute correlation.
“Acknowledging that we are witness to fundamental proof of advanced civilizations dating back over 29,000 years and an examination of their societal structures forces the World to reconsider its understanding of the development of civilization and history,” explains Dr. Semir Osmanagich. “Conclusive data at the Bosnian Pyramid site revealed in 2008 and confirmed this year by several independent labs who conducted radio carbon testing dates the site at 29,400 +/-400 years minimum.”
"Dr. Osmangich stresses that it is time for open sharing of knowledge so we can understand and learn from our past. “It is time for us to open our minds to the true nature of our origin and destruction of each other as a civilization on this planet. Our mission here is to realign science with spirituality in order to progress as a species and this demands a clear path of shared knowledge.”
standing sTATUES in montana similar to ancient
I named this Standing Statue in Giant's Playground Phase Six after Sophia. In the original translations of the Nag Hammadi Codices that I typed when I was in my early twenties there was a document originally named Sophia Created Adam and Eve.
Photo: Julie Ryder - Montana USA |
Sophia Standing Statue at Giant's Playground Phase Six in Montana (left) is very similar to Meditirashtiyat Guardian in Bulgaria (above)
See Virtual Museum of Bulgaria Photo: Nikolay Ninov - Bulgaria |
Standing Statue at Giant's Playground Phase Six in Montana, USA
Bust of Sol on a pediment of the block of Ain Horche temple in Lebanon. |
Candace WhiteLight made this correlation between the color and positioning of the lichen on Stoneman and the Knight's Templar armour. Stoneman was built as one of a series of stone statues that are aligned near Giant's Playground in the Montana Megaliths. Notice the flat top and angular shape of Stoneman's head which is similar to the Knight's helmet. Images and symbols of many modern traditions are being discovered at the Montana Megaliths as this was the origin of what later became our cultural icons.
There is also a cutout on Stoneman's chest. There are cutouts on several of the statutes and next to the raised bas relief artwork that appear to have been scraped off. Perhaps this is where the identification plaque was originally located.
Lichen grows slowly based on a variety of minerals in the stone. "A number of metals were used to make Knights helmets including steel, iron and bronze for the reason that it served as protective headgear against weapons made of metal too. In fact, there were times when knights wore helmets that were made of rare metals such as gold and silver as well as velvet and precious
stones." (1)
There is a lot of chatter lately about the Kensington Rune Stone internally dated 1362 which was found in Minnesota and the Knight's Templar presence in America, especially in Montana, before Columbus arrived in 1492.
Candace WhiteLight made this correlation between the color and positioning of the lichen on Stoneman and the Knight's Templar armour. Stoneman was built as one of a series of stone statues that are aligned near Giant's Playground in the Montana Megaliths. Notice the flat top and angular shape of Stoneman's head which is similar to the Knight's helmet. Images and symbols of many modern traditions are being discovered at the Montana Megaliths as this was the origin of what later became our cultural icons.
There is also a cutout on Stoneman's chest. There are cutouts on several of the statutes and next to the raised bas relief artwork that appear to have been scraped off. Perhaps this is where the identification plaque was originally located.
Lichen grows slowly based on a variety of minerals in the stone. "A number of metals were used to make Knights helmets including steel, iron and bronze for the reason that it served as protective headgear against weapons made of metal too. In fact, there were times when knights wore helmets that were made of rare metals such as gold and silver as well as velvet and precious
stones." (1)
There is a lot of chatter lately about the Kensington Rune Stone internally dated 1362 which was found in Minnesota and the Knight's Templar presence in America, especially in Montana, before Columbus arrived in 1492.
Michael Tellinger at a anthropomorphic stoneman statue in South Africa which is a similar shape to Stoneman in Montana, USA. |
Spread across a mountainous region Mystery Rocks Complex is dotted with megaliths popping up through the tall trees, forming circles on the valley floor and gracing the tops of high mountains. The area designated as Mystery Rocks Complex is approximately 3.6 miles by 8 miles. Segments of linear block walls are visible from the mountain tops.
Mystery Rocks is positioned exactly on the Montana Dolmen Earth Energy Grid Line. We first began exploring this area in March of 2016.
Mystery Rocks is positioned exactly on the Montana Dolmen Earth Energy Grid Line. We first began exploring this area in March of 2016.
In the forest at Mystery Rocks....
Photo by Sarah Thomas in June 2017
Photo by Sarah Thomas in June 2017
mystery rocks prime
Mystery Rocks Prime was constructed in circular terraces of polygonal stacked blocks. Built into the side of a mountain the dolmen shaped rock structures on the top terrace form segments of a wall that continue across the mountain ridge above Mystery Rocks Prime. Cyclopean rectangular blocks cover the mountainside below.
Vertical blocks topped with horizontal rectangular blocks appears to be the same construction that was used to build Mount Shoria in Russia which features the largest constructed blocks in the world some weighing over 3,000 tons.
Mount Shoria in Russia features a megalithic wall of the largest constructed stones in the world. Notice the perspective...there are three men standing at the base. See Megaliths in Montana Page.
ACE at Mystery Rock Prime
Cyclopean smooth surfaced curved blocks cover the mountainside below Mystery Rocks Prime.
Polygonal granite rocks build a circle of support walls on the first terrace at Mystery Rocks Prime.
Scrambling over boulders that have tumbled into the corridor between walls of the second terrace.
On the second terrace of Mystery Rocks Prime the corner of a pinkish tan block is visible from below.
Julie Ryder below Mystery Rocks Prime. This smooth single pillar has cupped mark near the curved end. Tizer Dolmen and Star Fire Monument have similar curved bases. Star Fire Monument in Giant's Playground has been positioned upright set into a bowl shape cut out of bedrock.
High in the Rocky Mountains near Helena, Montana the Thunderbird with the Red Lightning symbol striking the top of the head protrudes in three dimension from a smooth granite wall on the second terrace of Mystery Rocks Prime. This image of a Bird God features a human ear and eye much like the Bird God figures in Egypt, South America, and other ancient cultures.
According to the Blackfeet Medicine Man the Thunderbird watches over the south position on their Medicine Wheel. The Helena area is south of Heart Butte and is called the place of Red Lightning.
Antikythera Mechanism and Montana Glyphs
The Antikythera mechanism is an ancient analog computer designed to predict astronomical positions and eclipses for calendrical and astrological purposes. This mechanism is over 2,000 years old and built the Greeks. "The researchers also show that the device could mechanically replicate the irregular motions of the Moon, caused by its elliptical orbit around the Earth, using a clever design involving two superimposed gear-wheels, one slightly off-center, that are connected by a pin-and-slot device."… Similar patterns of this gear type shape have been found embedded or imprinted into granite stone on the cheek of the Thunderbird at Mystery Rocks and the behind the Robotic Watcher at Giant's Playground (below). See Dolmens in Montana page |
Megalithic construction similar to Mystery Rocks is explored on this video about Elf Castles. Notice that they are also built on the sides or tops of mountains with a scenic view. |
Several huge rectangular blocks reminiscent of Baalbek, Lebanon and Mount Shoria, Russia have tumbled down the mountain side at Mystery Rocks.
Newearth made a video about Megalithic Elf Castles in Ireland. We find a similar construction here at the Mystery Rocks Complex in Montana. |
Trees spiral, twist and grow at odd angles surrounded by this powerful energy vortex.
turtle moon eyes at mystery rocks complex
On the valley floor at Mystery Rocks Complex in the Montana Megaliths a singular granite rock construct sits alone. The feminine human- type face wearing a parabolic cap faces the remnants of humongous walls of stacked granite blocks. Crescent shaped eyebrows and her turtle shell body earned her the name Turtle Moon Eyes.
Photograph by Nicole DiDio Johnson
Turtle Moon Eyes is mounted on a circular base which is obvious under her chin. Smooth geometric shaped blocks create the image of a segmented turtle shell on the side facing Mystery Rocks Prime.
Discovered by Julie Ryder in the Spring of 2016, Turtle Moon Eyes is an integral sacred site on Turtle Island. In the Native American tradition North America is referred to as Turtle Island.
The quarry site of the Blue Stones that were used to build Stonehenge was located 140 miles away in Wales.
The problem that conventional researcher face is that the last evidence of use of this site was 500 years before the date they assign to the construction of Stonehenge.
Look how the stones of rectangular slabs were lined up against a hillside. This quarry site looks similar to the support walls of the first terrace of Mystery Rocks Prime in Montana, USA. Consider the possibility that the Ancient Builder Race constructed what later became known as the quarry in Wales and then in the Fourth World the stones were moved to what is now Stonehenge.
The Blue Stones are composed of volcanic and igneous rocks, the most common of which are called dolerite and rhyolite which have a high quartz crystal content just like the granite stones that built the Montana Megaliths.
The problem that conventional researcher face is that the last evidence of use of this site was 500 years before the date they assign to the construction of Stonehenge.
Look how the stones of rectangular slabs were lined up against a hillside. This quarry site looks similar to the support walls of the first terrace of Mystery Rocks Prime in Montana, USA. Consider the possibility that the Ancient Builder Race constructed what later became known as the quarry in Wales and then in the Fourth World the stones were moved to what is now Stonehenge.
The Blue Stones are composed of volcanic and igneous rocks, the most common of which are called dolerite and rhyolite which have a high quartz crystal content just like the granite stones that built the Montana Megaliths.
Enigma Of Ancient Upside Down Stairs At Sacsayhuamán
"One particular huge stone structure worth more attention is a huge extremely hard granite rock that has stairs running upside-down.
How can we explain such a construction? Is it possible that a huge catastrophe happened here many thousands of years ago?
Although a majority of the rocks at Sacsayhuamán were manipulated, polished, carved and cut, many of them seem destroyed and the place appears chaotic.
The rock looks old and weathered in some places, but in sheltered parts the cut rock is polished and smooth like concrete."
Read more:
"One particular huge stone structure worth more attention is a huge extremely hard granite rock that has stairs running upside-down.
How can we explain such a construction? Is it possible that a huge catastrophe happened here many thousands of years ago?
Although a majority of the rocks at Sacsayhuamán were manipulated, polished, carved and cut, many of them seem destroyed and the place appears chaotic.
The rock looks old and weathered in some places, but in sheltered parts the cut rock is polished and smooth like concrete."
Read more:
Look closely. Do you see the Explorers?
Look closely. Do you see the Explorers?
Cyclopean blocks of granite form walls along the sides of a narrow valley in the Mystery Rocks Complex.
ACE named this area Star Puzzle as he touches a smooth circular terraced feature at the base of one segment of the wall.
ACE named this area Star Puzzle as he touches a smooth circular terraced feature at the base of one segment of the wall.
CLOUD Catcher
Cloud Compass was discovered on July 23, 2017 at a new site in the Montana Megalliths. This duolithic tower was constructed in a similar design to the even larger towers that form oval patterns across the mountain tops at Mystery Rock Complex. The unique tower design features two seperate parallel stacked block towers which face each other.
Poilygonal blocks solidify the base of Cloud Compass on one side while vertical stones form the opposite support wall. The unique feature of Cloud Compass is a horizontal marker made of gray granite suspended between the pink granite duolith which points exactly to magnetic south.
Cloud Catcher on the earth energy grid line near Giant's Playground.
Ninmah Speaks at Cloud Catcher. Named after the Sumerian Creator Goddess Ninmah, half-sister to Enlil and Enki who genetically engineered humans according to Zecharia Sitchin.
Bird Watches Sky at Amber's Compass
Photo by Katie Jo Sutton
Photo by Katie Jo Sutton
Shadow of Bird Watches Sky on Marker Stone on a September evening 2018.
Amber's Compass at noon on the Winter Solstice 2016
Amber's Compass near Giant's Playground in Montana, USA
Bill Ryder on site
Bill Ryder on site
Standing stones at Amber's Compass cast shadows on the snow.
Freddy Silva states, "Temples oriented to the southeast tend to be precisely aligned to the first emerging rays of the Winter Solstice, the moment during the solar year when light begins to overcome the dark." Tony Silva, Common Wealth 2010, Page 223.
Freddy Silva states, "Temples oriented to the southeast tend to be precisely aligned to the first emerging rays of the Winter Solstice, the moment during the solar year when light begins to overcome the dark." Tony Silva, Common Wealth 2010, Page 223.
A semi-circular stone with deep engraved lines is positioned to align with the shadows of the standing stones at sunset in the winter. There are fallen stones at the base of this semi-circular pink granite stone which may have also once marked alignments. These stones are also positioned near the center of the circular outline seen from above.
On the back road to Giant's Playground between the rock grid of Game Board and the Evergreen Dolmen standing stones align at Amber's Compass. Even though two of the menhirs have fallen over the placement of these unique aligned sanding stones cast shadows on the rounded marked boulder set in parallel alignment.
From above it becomes obvious that Amber's Compass is a southeast alignment of stones positioned in the center of a circle which appears lighter in color than the surrounding landscape. The eastern portion of the circle is cut through by a gravel road. Trees cover the landscape on the east side of the road while the west side is denuded.
From above it becomes obvious that Amber's Compass is a southeast alignment of stones positioned in the center of a circle which appears lighter in color than the surrounding landscape. The eastern portion of the circle is cut through by a gravel road. Trees cover the landscape on the east side of the road while the west side is denuded.
The lighter circle in the image from above is demarcated on the ground by a raised berm that encircles the central line up of upright stones some of which have fallen over. This line of upright stones points 110 degrees east of true north.
A semi-circular stone with deep engraved lines is positioned to align with the shadows of the standing stones at sunset in the winter. There are fallen stones at the base of this semi-circular pink granite stone which may have also once marked alignments. These stones are also positioned near the center of the circular outline seen from above.
A semi-circular stone with deep engraved lines is positioned to align with the shadows of the standing stones at sunset in the winter. There are fallen stones at the base of this semi-circular pink granite stone which may have also once marked alignments. These stones are also positioned near the center of the circular outline seen from above.
Bird Watches Sky Menhir which is in line with the central tipped and split menhirs at Amber's Compass in the center of the surrounding circle.
Michael Pell graciously produced the graphics which illustrated his ideas and theories regarding the astrological alignments at Amber's Compass.
Michael Pell published these graphics of Amber's Compass and figured out the solar alignments. Michael states, " as a calendar I now believe that this site is recording Cardinal positions as well as the spring/fall equinoxes and the winter and summer solstices.
When Julie mentioned 110 degrees that suggested the menhir angle is addressing the solstices. If we treat north as zero degrees the east will be 90 degrees (of a 360 degree circle).
The sun rises 23.5 degrees to the north of due east at the summer solstice and 23.5 degrees south of due east at the winter solstice. The closer the sun is to the north side of east the longer the day is due to the earth's tilt of 23.5 degrees. When the sun rises below due east toward the south it is seen in the sky for a shorter period of time before it sets, so the day length is shorter. When the sun rises and sets due east and west respectively, the day and night period is of equal length, hence the Equinox.
With a maximum of 23.5 degrees above east in the summer and below east toward south in the winter is the clue.
At the winter solstice the sun is sitting 23.5 degrees below due east when it rises and sets. Add that value to due east and we get this result. Due east is 90 degrees from North so; Winter solstice is 23.5 degrees below due east so; 90 + 23.5 = 113.5
The sun is rising 113.5 degrees southward then from due north at the winter solstice.
That is virtually the 110 degrees Julie mentions. Without being there to see in person, there may be some slight wiggle room to her number based on the exact location or line used to mark the menhirs.
As it is so close I am guessing the menhirs are angled from the east/west line by 23.5 degrees. If correct, then a line drawn through the menhir axis should cross the east/west axis at a 23.5 degree angle. Extending that angle beyond the site mound's circle should then record the winter solstice axis to the south of the menhirs and the summer solstice to the north side of the menhirs.
With things toppled and a bit askew, that might account for a bit of wiggle room between the 110 degrees mentioned by Julie and the 113.5 degrees the sun will rise during the winter solstice.
If this idea is correct then I believe the semicircular stone should be sitting on an east/west axis behind the menhirs so the shadows of the menhirs are cast on it at sunrise and sunset during the winter solstice when the shadows are the longest possible. I also believe now if this idea is correct that the Bird Watching Sky Menhir is looking at the sun due south at noon during the equinoxes and solstices.
January 28, 2019 Michael Pell commented: Upon a closer look we lay an overhead of the Earth sphere, tilted axis, equator and Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn over it and surprisingly it lines up to structures found at ground level. Might the compass actually be referring to this idea?
When Julie mentioned 110 degrees that suggested the menhir angle is addressing the solstices. If we treat north as zero degrees the east will be 90 degrees (of a 360 degree circle).
The sun rises 23.5 degrees to the north of due east at the summer solstice and 23.5 degrees south of due east at the winter solstice. The closer the sun is to the north side of east the longer the day is due to the earth's tilt of 23.5 degrees. When the sun rises below due east toward the south it is seen in the sky for a shorter period of time before it sets, so the day length is shorter. When the sun rises and sets due east and west respectively, the day and night period is of equal length, hence the Equinox.
With a maximum of 23.5 degrees above east in the summer and below east toward south in the winter is the clue.
At the winter solstice the sun is sitting 23.5 degrees below due east when it rises and sets. Add that value to due east and we get this result. Due east is 90 degrees from North so; Winter solstice is 23.5 degrees below due east so; 90 + 23.5 = 113.5
The sun is rising 113.5 degrees southward then from due north at the winter solstice.
That is virtually the 110 degrees Julie mentions. Without being there to see in person, there may be some slight wiggle room to her number based on the exact location or line used to mark the menhirs.
As it is so close I am guessing the menhirs are angled from the east/west line by 23.5 degrees. If correct, then a line drawn through the menhir axis should cross the east/west axis at a 23.5 degree angle. Extending that angle beyond the site mound's circle should then record the winter solstice axis to the south of the menhirs and the summer solstice to the north side of the menhirs.
With things toppled and a bit askew, that might account for a bit of wiggle room between the 110 degrees mentioned by Julie and the 113.5 degrees the sun will rise during the winter solstice.
If this idea is correct then I believe the semicircular stone should be sitting on an east/west axis behind the menhirs so the shadows of the menhirs are cast on it at sunrise and sunset during the winter solstice when the shadows are the longest possible. I also believe now if this idea is correct that the Bird Watching Sky Menhir is looking at the sun due south at noon during the equinoxes and solstices.
January 28, 2019 Michael Pell commented: Upon a closer look we lay an overhead of the Earth sphere, tilted axis, equator and Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn over it and surprisingly it lines up to structures found at ground level. Might the compass actually be referring to this idea?
We were exploring the mountainside near Giant's Playground Megalithic Site when Ayden and ACE discovered this rock face that overlooks Amber's Compass. The red dotted line East and it aligns perfectly with Ambers Face.
"Here is an overhead of all the ideas I feel are in play at the Amber site as well as a diagram I found on the Internet showing sun positions in the sky as seen throughout the year so you can understand the process as it happens looking up and then down through the Amber site, recorded on the ground."
Michael Pell
Michael Pell continues: I am also beginning to wonder if the tipped menhirs were not positioned that way deliberately, rather than by Earth geological triggers or events.
Something tells me they may be pointing to the vertical solstice positions of the sun due south (for summer and winter) at high noon. The overlay graphic is approximate as I am limited to what the software is allowing me to do, but the general idea is there.
Something tells me they may be pointing to the vertical solstice positions of the sun due south (for summer and winter) at high noon. The overlay graphic is approximate as I am limited to what the software is allowing me to do, but the general idea is there.
Michael Pell's theory is explained as follows: If the tipped menhir idea is remotely correct, then they should be marking the vertical noon sun position due south on the summer/winter solstice. I believe strongly that the Bird Watches Sky menhir is then viewing the sun specifically on the spring/fall equinox at high noon, due south, while the tipped menhirs address the solstices.
Only guessing, but it is testable on field trips during those specific days and times.
Here is my take on Bird Watches Sky at Amber's Compass.
1. I believe the bird watches both the solstices and equinoxes of the noon day sun throughout the year by the orientation of its body.
2. I have a feeling the bird's head is specifically watching the two equinox noon sun positions.
3. I am guessing that the tipped menhirs may be by design, also facing south but based on their angles (to be tested) may address the summer and winter solstice positions of the noon day sun (while BWS's head takes care of the equinoxes).
4. If a 4th Menhir is there slightly tilt it would mark the zenith point (if applicable).
Published by Michael Pell on
Julie Ryder's Facebook Timeline in December, 2016 and January 2017.
Michael Pell: Along the equatorial latitude representation in the compass are a group of tilted menhirs. Are they tumbled perhaps from geological effects or are they deliberately tipped to track important sky constellations or the Sun and Moon?
Michael Pell writes: The Sun references match perfectly between the Amber’s Compass and an overhead of the Giza pyramids. As we recall when using the latitudes of the sun influence on the Earth’s sphere when we subtract 19.5° from the Arctic circle of 66.5° it results in 47°.
47° matches perfectly the combined latitudes of both the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn (23.5° x 2 = 47°) as well as Helena’s latitude of approximately 47° north of the equator. This is telling me that Helena was deliberately selected for development in ancient times based on Sun principles of which Amber’s Compass may have been the “on the ground” referencing tool. Fulfilling it’s “as above, so below” role. |
In this installment we will have a closer look at Amber's Compass located in the Montana Megaliths complex near Helena, Montana. Rather than rewrite my ideas down I have elected to borrow previous text I had shared with Julie Ryder for her Galacticfacets website, having acquired permission a few months ago to draw from her research when our paths crossed.
It began when Julie had post an overhead photo of the Amber's Compass area. Looking at it and having considered the red circle glyph she had shared as a possible time keeping or referencing object, I began to look at the overhead of Amber's Compass as a solar time referencing site as well. After looking at the orientation and some field test results by Julie, her husband Bill and others, it definitely came across as solar related. We find the same angles displayed at Amber's Compass as we do at the Pyramid Of The Sun in Mexico, Caral in Peru and Sacsayhuaman.
Not only do these sites all orient with the same angles to the sun, but are inline vertically following the winter solstice/northern hemisphere and/or summer solstice/Southern Hemisphere terminator line. In other words they mark the most northernly and southerly positions the sun can be seen against the horizon from the equator as well as the mean angle of Earth's tilt. This is purposeful design recording repetitive slowly changing astronomical information. That this angled line connects and works with the so called ancient equator shows placement of these important sites ON A CO-ORDINATED GLOBAL SCALE.
If it is thought that many of these civilizations were unbeknownst to each other, how is it that these sites just happen to line up in conjunction to each other, but unbeknownst to each other? Coincidence?
I do not think so. I believe these locations working in conjunction were known and planned by a single global builder race that mapped out the planet in grids, like our modern maps of today. Perhaps using the Earth's energy grid or magnetic field patterns to locate specific points of alignment or for certain, tying in with points of the cosmos such as planets, our moon and most definitely, the sun.
The commonality in shapes, form, building techniques, etc., all hint from coming from a single source initially. Oral tradition globally saying information was given to these civilizations, though we do not know with certainty who the "givers" were (are!?) other than mythological accounts of visitors, Titans, and God like beings.
Anyway, back to Amber's Compass. Here are some ideas as shared from information given to Julie Ryder she graciously features on her web page.
Michael Pell published these graphics of Amber's Compass and figured out the solar alignments. Michael states, " as a calendar I now believe that this site is recording Cardinal positions as well as the spring/fall equinoxes and the winter and summer solstice.
It began when Julie had post an overhead photo of the Amber's Compass area. Looking at it and having considered the red circle glyph she had shared as a possible time keeping or referencing object, I began to look at the overhead of Amber's Compass as a solar time referencing site as well. After looking at the orientation and some field test results by Julie, her husband Bill and others, it definitely came across as solar related. We find the same angles displayed at Amber's Compass as we do at the Pyramid Of The Sun in Mexico, Caral in Peru and Sacsayhuaman.
Not only do these sites all orient with the same angles to the sun, but are inline vertically following the winter solstice/northern hemisphere and/or summer solstice/Southern Hemisphere terminator line. In other words they mark the most northernly and southerly positions the sun can be seen against the horizon from the equator as well as the mean angle of Earth's tilt. This is purposeful design recording repetitive slowly changing astronomical information. That this angled line connects and works with the so called ancient equator shows placement of these important sites ON A CO-ORDINATED GLOBAL SCALE.
If it is thought that many of these civilizations were unbeknownst to each other, how is it that these sites just happen to line up in conjunction to each other, but unbeknownst to each other? Coincidence?
I do not think so. I believe these locations working in conjunction were known and planned by a single global builder race that mapped out the planet in grids, like our modern maps of today. Perhaps using the Earth's energy grid or magnetic field patterns to locate specific points of alignment or for certain, tying in with points of the cosmos such as planets, our moon and most definitely, the sun.
The commonality in shapes, form, building techniques, etc., all hint from coming from a single source initially. Oral tradition globally saying information was given to these civilizations, though we do not know with certainty who the "givers" were (are!?) other than mythological accounts of visitors, Titans, and God like beings.
Anyway, back to Amber's Compass. Here are some ideas as shared from information given to Julie Ryder she graciously features on her web page.
Michael Pell published these graphics of Amber's Compass and figured out the solar alignments. Michael states, " as a calendar I now believe that this site is recording Cardinal positions as well as the spring/fall equinoxes and the winter and summer solstice.
Sun positions in relation to the tilted Earth throughout the year.
When Julie mentioned 110 degrees that suggested the menhir angle is addressing the solstices. If we treat north as zero degrees the east will be 90 degrees (of a 360 degree circle).
The sun rises 23.5 degrees to the north of due east at the summer solstice and 23.5 degrees south of due east at the winter solstice. The closer the sun is to the north side of east the longer the day is due to the earth's tilt of 23.5 degrees. When the sun rises below due east toward the south it is seen in the sky for a shorter period of time before it sets, so the day length is shorter. When the sun rises and sets due east and west respectively, the day and night period is of equal length, hence the Equinox.
With a maximum of 23.5 degrees above east in the summer and below east toward south in the winter is the clue.
At the winter solstice the sun is sitting 23.5 degrees below due east when it rises and sets. Add that value to due east and we get this result. Due east is 90 degrees from North so; Winter solstice is 23.5 degrees below due east so; 90 + 23.5 = 113.5
The sun is rising 113.5 degrees southward then from due north at the winter solstice. That is virtually the 110 degrees Julie mentions. Without being there to see in person, there may be some slight wiggle room to her number based on the exact location or line used to mark the menhirs.
As it is so close I am guessing the menhirs are angled from the east/west line by 23.5 degrees. If correct, then a line drawn through the menhir axis should cross the east/west axis at a 23.5 degree angle. Extending that angle beyond the site mound's circle should then record the winter solstice axis to the south of the menhirs and the summer solstice to the north side of the menhirs.
The diagram below shows the overhead of Amber's Compass. Edited photos and ideas of what this might be referencing in design layout and orientation in the comments section.
Copyright Michael Pell 2017 Printed here with permission
The sun rises 23.5 degrees to the north of due east at the summer solstice and 23.5 degrees south of due east at the winter solstice. The closer the sun is to the north side of east the longer the day is due to the earth's tilt of 23.5 degrees. When the sun rises below due east toward the south it is seen in the sky for a shorter period of time before it sets, so the day length is shorter. When the sun rises and sets due east and west respectively, the day and night period is of equal length, hence the Equinox.
With a maximum of 23.5 degrees above east in the summer and below east toward south in the winter is the clue.
At the winter solstice the sun is sitting 23.5 degrees below due east when it rises and sets. Add that value to due east and we get this result. Due east is 90 degrees from North so; Winter solstice is 23.5 degrees below due east so; 90 + 23.5 = 113.5
The sun is rising 113.5 degrees southward then from due north at the winter solstice. That is virtually the 110 degrees Julie mentions. Without being there to see in person, there may be some slight wiggle room to her number based on the exact location or line used to mark the menhirs.
As it is so close I am guessing the menhirs are angled from the east/west line by 23.5 degrees. If correct, then a line drawn through the menhir axis should cross the east/west axis at a 23.5 degree angle. Extending that angle beyond the site mound's circle should then record the winter solstice axis to the south of the menhirs and the summer solstice to the north side of the menhirs.
The diagram below shows the overhead of Amber's Compass. Edited photos and ideas of what this might be referencing in design layout and orientation in the comments section.
Copyright Michael Pell 2017 Printed here with permission
Not only does the Amber's Compass line up with sun angles matching what is found in Mexico and Peru it also has a layout very similar in object orientation within the circle matching the star positions of the constellation Orion, even when flipped! Coincidence? Orion Test Options B is flipped yet still matches.
Copyright Michael Pell 2017 Printed here with permission
Copyright Michael Pell 2017 Printed here with permission
Pyramid of the Sun in Mexico appears skewed to face the setting summer solstice sun offset at 23.5 degrees caused by Earth's obliquity, the same as we witness at Montana's Amber's Compass Calendar.
Not only does the Amber's Compass line up with sun angles matching what is found in Mexico and Peru it also has a layout very similar in object orientation within the circle matching the star positions of the constellation Orion, even when flipped! Coincidence? Orion Test Options B is flipped yet still matches.
Copyright Michael Pell 2017 Printed here with permission
Not only does the Amber's Compass line up with sun angles matching what is found in Mexico and Peru it also has a layout very similar in object orientation within the circle matching the star positions of the constellation Orion, even when flipped! Coincidence? Orion Test Options B is flipped yet still matches.
Copyright Michael Pell 2017 Printed here with permission
On October 9, 2018, Michael Pell wrote. "Though these ideas remain just theory, the commonality with other sites globally and the interlinked grid pattern shows to me a solar based plan in conjunction with Earth’s tilt was known millennia ago and recorded in stone.
I pay attention to the math and when the numbers work together in that what we think we should see, we do, is that a deliberate pattern or wishful thinking? It is then we look for common denominators and put things to the “litmus” test to see what holds and what doesn’t.
The collective thoughts from all of your group members helps to lift the veil, in my opinion."
I pay attention to the math and when the numbers work together in that what we think we should see, we do, is that a deliberate pattern or wishful thinking? It is then we look for common denominators and put things to the “litmus” test to see what holds and what doesn’t.
The collective thoughts from all of your group members helps to lift the veil, in my opinion."
I find this diagram intersecting specifically at Helena. Montana no coincidence"
Michael Pell
On October 8, 2018 Michael Pell wrote, "I offer these theories as additional ideas to consider what the MM might be referencing. More so if this complex was built in phases.
It just makes the MOST sense to me the farther back we go in time for dating these structures that both time and orientation are being recorded. That the sky was the most consistent and stable measuring device available on both the daily (sexagesimal base 60 second/minute/hour scale) and long count scales using procession over 25,920 years and wobble over 41,000 years.
With the Sun playing a major role and Earth’ obliquity where we have shown that not only does the latitude total of 47° between the Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn match the baseline difference in length between Menkaure’s pyramid and Khufu’s baseline, it matches the site latitude of the MM region itself. Hence why and how I believe the Helena region was selected and then developed using existing surrounding geographical features to record that Sun/Earth relationship.
Then with time, developed and refined further to address the sun in a birth/death/rebirth motif as the sun is life giving and the Phoenix bird symbology (with Phoenix due south of Helena where the summer solstice sun’s highest point would be located directionally) and represented by the constellation Aquila (The Eagle) in the night sky rising in birth in the east and dying to the west to be reborn. Recorded by Amber’s Compass as a guess.
I find this diagram intersecting specifically at Helena no coincidence"....Michael Pell
It just makes the MOST sense to me the farther back we go in time for dating these structures that both time and orientation are being recorded. That the sky was the most consistent and stable measuring device available on both the daily (sexagesimal base 60 second/minute/hour scale) and long count scales using procession over 25,920 years and wobble over 41,000 years.
With the Sun playing a major role and Earth’ obliquity where we have shown that not only does the latitude total of 47° between the Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn match the baseline difference in length between Menkaure’s pyramid and Khufu’s baseline, it matches the site latitude of the MM region itself. Hence why and how I believe the Helena region was selected and then developed using existing surrounding geographical features to record that Sun/Earth relationship.
Then with time, developed and refined further to address the sun in a birth/death/rebirth motif as the sun is life giving and the Phoenix bird symbology (with Phoenix due south of Helena where the summer solstice sun’s highest point would be located directionally) and represented by the constellation Aquila (The Eagle) in the night sky rising in birth in the east and dying to the west to be reborn. Recorded by Amber’s Compass as a guess.
I find this diagram intersecting specifically at Helena no coincidence"....Michael Pell
Michael Pell hosts a group Facebook site where he writes about his own research and invites you to join him for a group think tank. |
With old North Pole determined using a 30° crust displacement located to Alaska aligning with the ancient equator the Ryder Line would now become a longitudinal line due north and south between the poles. Here the old pole is located in Alaska indicated by the small red circles.---Michael Pell
ROCK MOuntain faces
Humongous faces carved in rock on the side of mountains are found all over the world. The photograph on the left is a stone face carved into a mountain above a pictograph site in Montana. This site is
located along the Torus North Earth Energy Grid Line
Full body rock sculptures of gigantic beings found around the world are chronicled on this site:
Megalithic art in montana
Our discoveries were made by observing sophisticated dimensional art created by a former advanced civilization of beings with highly developed sensory abilities. These art sculptures are located within megalithic sites that are along the Dolmen Grid Line here in Montana.
Melted, carved, painted and formed into solid rock these timeless masterpieces are beginning to be recognized by later generations as depictions of human faces, animal forms, glyphs, and symbolic representations of life forms.
Carvings and sculptures are designed to be viewed from a specific angle and morph into a completely different form as the viewer circumnavigates the sculptures. Various features of each sculpture play with natural light and shadow that enhances or diminishes aspects of the form dependent on the season, time of day, sunlight, or cloud cover.
Dr. Daniel Ruzo made similar discoveries of ancient art around the world:
“These works are found in different places on earth, very removed from one another, repeating the same symbols , and with one thing in common : they are found around sacred mountains , temples of lost humanity, so they won't be forgotten and that they may serve one more time to purify and save humanity. The stone sculptures appear around the world; including Brazil, Mexico, England, France, Easter Island, Egypt, and Romania.
Ruzo discovered that all places which have these unique stone sculptures also host ancient subterranean caverns. Depending on the time of day and the time of year, in the light of the sun, the moon, or the stars, even in shadow, that different sculpted images can be seen, even in the same monument. You may be looking at a profile of a human face in the morning, then, in the afternoon as the sun changes its position in orbit, that profile morphs into another human face. Step several feet to the right or left and that carved image may now look under a new aspect.
Marcahuasi The Story of a Fantastic Discovery" - Dr. Daniel Ruzo
Melted, carved, painted and formed into solid rock these timeless masterpieces are beginning to be recognized by later generations as depictions of human faces, animal forms, glyphs, and symbolic representations of life forms.
Carvings and sculptures are designed to be viewed from a specific angle and morph into a completely different form as the viewer circumnavigates the sculptures. Various features of each sculpture play with natural light and shadow that enhances or diminishes aspects of the form dependent on the season, time of day, sunlight, or cloud cover.
Dr. Daniel Ruzo made similar discoveries of ancient art around the world:
“These works are found in different places on earth, very removed from one another, repeating the same symbols , and with one thing in common : they are found around sacred mountains , temples of lost humanity, so they won't be forgotten and that they may serve one more time to purify and save humanity. The stone sculptures appear around the world; including Brazil, Mexico, England, France, Easter Island, Egypt, and Romania.
Ruzo discovered that all places which have these unique stone sculptures also host ancient subterranean caverns. Depending on the time of day and the time of year, in the light of the sun, the moon, or the stars, even in shadow, that different sculpted images can be seen, even in the same monument. You may be looking at a profile of a human face in the morning, then, in the afternoon as the sun changes its position in orbit, that profile morphs into another human face. Step several feet to the right or left and that carved image may now look under a new aspect.
Marcahuasi The Story of a Fantastic Discovery" - Dr. Daniel Ruzo
Goddess Dolmen morphs into the various aspects of femininity, pregnancy, the birth canal, and nursing a newborn on her breast as the viewer circumnavigates the sculpture.
Stone Art at Megalithic Sites along the Dolmen Grid Line in Montana:
When I was a child my favorite pastime was to find hidden images in collage type puzzles. Many friends have joined me in finding images of faces, animals and plants in the rocks at the megalithic, dolmen and near pictograph sites here in Montana, USA.
The images we see are often in synchronicity with our own personal experiences at that moment in time. It is as if the stones are interacting with us allowing us to catch a glimpse of our inner world. They are kind of like a Rorschach test.
Discovering the art gives us a glimpse into our ancient history. Ancient art is an essential part of beginning to understand the vast knowledge our ancestors embedded into the only structures that outlast the entropy of thousands of years of earth changes.
The images we see are often in synchronicity with our own personal experiences at that moment in time. It is as if the stones are interacting with us allowing us to catch a glimpse of our inner world. They are kind of like a Rorschach test.
Discovering the art gives us a glimpse into our ancient history. Ancient art is an essential part of beginning to understand the vast knowledge our ancestors embedded into the only structures that outlast the entropy of thousands of years of earth changes.
Spirit Temple complex
The Cubist style sculptured face on the side wall of Spirit Temple Complex was discovered in June, 2016. Picasso Princess faces west.
Above her closed left eye a cat with yellow eyes wide open watches over the adjacent stone structures. The yellow eyes are lichen which may have grown over the same color of minerals painted on the original sculpture. |
spirit temple ROCKS alignment
Rainbow colored lights flow from the sonic knob over the third eye of the Picasso Princess at Spirit Temple Rocks Complex. Like so many other sculptures at the Montana Megaliths her eyes are closed. Spirit Temple Complex was constructed on the third eye area of the Mysterious Eye Geosculpture which was discovered on Google Earth by Julie Ryder in the summer of 2018.
On the top layer the surrounding surface is smoothed with geopolymer concrete forming one of the
90 degree angles of the square structure. Contrasting the smooth geopolymer with the precision cut edges and flat surfaces of individual fallen stones indicates that a high level of technology was utilized here.
90 degree angles of the square structure. Contrasting the smooth geopolymer with the precision cut edges and flat surfaces of individual fallen stones indicates that a high level of technology was utilized here.
pOSTED 8/6/2016
Near the Whale Dolmen just over the ridge from Mystery Rocks we hiked up into Paradise Rock Complex. Two Red Tail Hawks greeted us several times as we entered the verdant valley where a three season stream flows.
Light and shadow enhanced mystical shapes and features in these landscape temples.
Light and shadow enhanced mystical shapes and features in these landscape temples.
Vessels at Paradise Complex in Montana is very similar to a complex at Machu Picchu.
Serpent Rock
"We know that landscape temples were designated as repositories of the knowledge of Gods and that "imbibing" such knowledge empowered the individual to be free - that is free from the illusions of the world of matter." (page 34)
"The landscape temple is created from universal forces by a creator god for humans and generates a wider spectrum of effect than a human engineered site." (page 167)
Later engineered temple sites followed the same patterns of design and symbolism as the ancient landscape temples. All form follows function.
Freddy Silva - Common Wealth: Our Legacy of the Places of Power and the Transfiguration of the
Human Soul
"We know that landscape temples were designated as repositories of the knowledge of Gods and that "imbibing" such knowledge empowered the individual to be free - that is free from the illusions of the world of matter." (page 34)
"The landscape temple is created from universal forces by a creator god for humans and generates a wider spectrum of effect than a human engineered site." (page 167)
Later engineered temple sites followed the same patterns of design and symbolism as the ancient landscape temples. All form follows function.
Freddy Silva - Common Wealth: Our Legacy of the Places of Power and the Transfiguration of the
Human Soul
Posted 12/24/2015
Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson are releasing information on the Younger Dryas event which documents an cataclysmic asteroid strike to North America 12,800 years ago. Their evidence was obtained through observation, with boots on the ground. They discuss a warming period 11,600 years ago which caused massive flooding in the Pacific Northwest of the US where I grew up. The Younger Dryas event changed the climate and face of North America.
Randall Carlson purposes that if all humans were removed from the planet in 10,000 years the only remnants of the human culture that would be left is Mount Rushmore and the Giza Pyramids. I would like to add Crazy Horse Monument to his list of remains. Therefore the rock face sculpture and the dolmens in Montana that were left as remains of an ancient megalithic culture makes sense.
The extremely ancient and huge megalithic sites we have discovered in Montana were on the high mountain tops so they are tumbled down not washed away during the Younger Dryas. Apparently the megaliths in Montana have survived a series of cataclysmic events that the Indigenous calendars say happen in 13,000 year cycles related to the 26,000 year procession of the equinox.
Montana Megaliths were built high up on separate mountains just over the edge on what is called the military summit. They are not silhouetted against the sky and do not attract lightning. We have discovered five large dolmens so far all near the top of high mountain peaks near the Continental Divide
in the Rocky Mountains. Five large dolmens are positioned along a straight line about 50 miles long forming the stem of a capitol T. The Goddess Dolmen is located on one cross bar of the T and the four smaller dolmens at Blue Cloud on the other cross bar of the T.
This area is the oldest exposed land in North America. There was an archaeological dig in 1998 and 1999 two miles north of Winston along the shores of Canyon Ferry Lake near Helena. The oldest insect fossils ever discovered were found there. This information is now classified.
Montana is dinosaur discovery central. This is ancient land.
Randall Carlson purposes that if all humans were removed from the planet in 10,000 years the only remnants of the human culture that would be left is Mount Rushmore and the Giza Pyramids. I would like to add Crazy Horse Monument to his list of remains. Therefore the rock face sculpture and the dolmens in Montana that were left as remains of an ancient megalithic culture makes sense.
The extremely ancient and huge megalithic sites we have discovered in Montana were on the high mountain tops so they are tumbled down not washed away during the Younger Dryas. Apparently the megaliths in Montana have survived a series of cataclysmic events that the Indigenous calendars say happen in 13,000 year cycles related to the 26,000 year procession of the equinox.
Montana Megaliths were built high up on separate mountains just over the edge on what is called the military summit. They are not silhouetted against the sky and do not attract lightning. We have discovered five large dolmens so far all near the top of high mountain peaks near the Continental Divide
in the Rocky Mountains. Five large dolmens are positioned along a straight line about 50 miles long forming the stem of a capitol T. The Goddess Dolmen is located on one cross bar of the T and the four smaller dolmens at Blue Cloud on the other cross bar of the T.
This area is the oldest exposed land in North America. There was an archaeological dig in 1998 and 1999 two miles north of Winston along the shores of Canyon Ferry Lake near Helena. The oldest insect fossils ever discovered were found there. This information is now classified.
Montana is dinosaur discovery central. This is ancient land.
The largest polychrome pictograph site in North America is located in Montana. The Third World was destroyed by fire from the sky when an asteroid hit the earth according to the Popul Vuh. The far left glyph shows a object on an orbit headed toward earth with the head area a dark red indicating fire.
The more ancient glyphs are read from right to left.
For a more complete interpretation see:
Ancient Pictograph Page
Photograph by Julie Ryder
The largest polychrome pictograph site in North America is located in Montana. The Third World was destroyed by fire from the sky when an asteroid hit the earth according to the Popul Vuh. The far left glyph shows a object on an orbit headed toward earth with the head area a dark red indicating fire.
The more ancient glyphs are read from right to left.
For a more complete interpretation see:
Ancient Pictograph Page
Photograph by Julie Ryder
There are solar calendars recorded in carvings in the of canyons in New Mexico that show the orbit of a planet sized mass that cycles through our solar system. I found a small sample of these teachings recorded in glyphs that are in tourist accessible areas and photographed them.
Photograph by Julie Ryder |
Posted 12/25/2015
Near the Shaman Rock is a more recent
pictograph site. |
The Shaman Rock is vitrified granite stone that shines in the sunlight as if coated in liquefied
crystal. It is positioned on the Torus North Grid Line which runs diagonally across Montana. There are multiple glyphs carved into the side and top which were read by Leon Secatero. Leon reads the Anasazi inscriptions in New Mexico. He stated that the inscriptions on the Shaman Rock were star maps and glyphs from the world wide global language or what Leon calls the Star Nation Language. Leon taught the legends of the Changing of the Worlds as handed down in the stories and legends of many Indigenous Cultures which describes catastrophic events that end each of the previous four worlds. We are presently crossing the galactic plane from the Fifth World of Green Glitter into the Sixth World of Crystal. |
"Many rocks have a strange look in Cusco and surroundings. As if they once were soft and have been molded to give them form. They have a finish that gives them a look as a mirror, with a strong reflection, a shine, sometimes like metal or glass. Omnipresent in all vestiges, but only seen in two of the three construction styles. In the latest construction style, according to Alfredo Gamarra belonging to the Inca's, no vitrification is observed, but only stones treated with hammer and chisel, giving as a result walls in which the stones do not fit perfectly."
"The Incas teach that the Hanan Pacha time period is a reference to the first orbit with human life. A time with less gravity, when the earth was closer to the sun. Speaking about the 'Sacred Rocks' of the first style, we refer to this period. The constructions were made in the rocks themselves, those rocks that nowadays form the base of many ancient vestiges. Especially those of the Inca's, but also in Egypt and other places.
The Uran Pacha time period was next in which the style of perfect fitting walls was made. This period was before our present period. In both periods, vitrification was used."
The latest research out of Peru regarding vitrified stones is fascinating:
"The Incas teach that the Hanan Pacha time period is a reference to the first orbit with human life. A time with less gravity, when the earth was closer to the sun. Speaking about the 'Sacred Rocks' of the first style, we refer to this period. The constructions were made in the rocks themselves, those rocks that nowadays form the base of many ancient vestiges. Especially those of the Inca's, but also in Egypt and other places.
The Uran Pacha time period was next in which the style of perfect fitting walls was made. This period was before our present period. In both periods, vitrification was used."
The latest research out of Peru regarding vitrified stones is fascinating:
During a ceremony in an ancient Sun Wheel here in Montana which is positioned along the Torus North Grid Line, I was drawn to this polished, shiny smooth rock.
I named it Glyph Stone because it has the same type of finish, is the same type of rock and is covered with glyphs just like the Shaman Rock.
The first glyphs I recognized when I found this Glyph Stone in a Sun Wheel in Montana USA was the section that appears to be cuneiform inside the demarcated triangle.
A Nez Perce friend of mine activated this Sun Wheel during a ceremony years ago. She confirmed that
her people were here in Montana in the far distant past.
I named it Glyph Stone because it has the same type of finish, is the same type of rock and is covered with glyphs just like the Shaman Rock.
The first glyphs I recognized when I found this Glyph Stone in a Sun Wheel in Montana USA was the section that appears to be cuneiform inside the demarcated triangle.
A Nez Perce friend of mine activated this Sun Wheel during a ceremony years ago. She confirmed that
her people were here in Montana in the far distant past.
An undisputed cu neiform tablet was passed down for generations was confiscated from the medicine bag of Chief Joseph, the famous Nez Perce leader. This artifact is now in the West Point Museum in New York.
"Chief Joseph, a revered Nez Perce leader, was a man of great honor. When he was captured by the American Army in 1877, he had an actual Assyrian cuneiform tablet in his medicine bag. What Chief Joseph said about the tablet can only be considered the truth:
"The chief said that the tablet had been passed down in his family for many generations, and that they had inherited it from their white ancestors," said Mary Gindling of History Mysteries. "Chief Joseph said that white men had come among his ancestors long ago, and had taught his people many things. His story echoes those told by Native Americans in both North and South America about white culture bringers. But in this case, Joseph had a souvenir to demonstrate the truth of his story. Benjamin Daniali The cuneiform tablet is currently held in the West Point Museum. |
"When Chief Joseph, a renowned Nez Perce leader, surrendered to Europeans in 1877, he gave a special gift to General Nelson Appleton Miles, wrote Vine Deloria, Jr. in his bookRed Earth white Lies. The gift received by the general was a pendant that turned out to be an ancient Mesopotamian cuneiform tablet. According to Benjamin Daniali of, the tablet was translated by Robert Biggs, professor of Assyriology at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. Professor Biggs found that it was a sales receipt for a lamb dating back to 2042 B.C." Chief Jospeh's War Shirt sold at auction |
Geololgists on site at Mount Shoria in Russia make this report: "We faced the wall, built of huge granite blocks, some of which reach a length of 20 meters and a height of 6 meters. Interestingly, the megalithic masonry, sometimes alternated polygonal masonry is highly unusual. At the top of the wall, we saw traces of ancient rock fusion. It was clear to us that the structure was destroyed by powerful thermonuclear explosions of some type. I’m not sure what kind of facility we’re looking at - we could not figure it out. But
we filmed megalithic blocks, their locks - articulation, scattered around the giant granite bricks."…
Geololgists on site at Mount Shoria in Russia make this report: "We faced the wall, built of huge granite blocks, some of which reach a length of 20 meters and a height of 6 meters. Interestingly, the megalithic masonry, sometimes alternated polygonal masonry is highly unusual. At the top of the wall, we saw traces of ancient rock fusion. It was clear to us that the structure was destroyed by powerful thermonuclear explosions of some type. I’m not sure what kind of facility we’re looking at - we could not figure it out. But
we filmed megalithic blocks, their locks - articulation, scattered around the giant granite bricks."…
"The mystery surrounding the Vottovaara Mountain in Russia area are the incredible structures found there that seem to be made by an ancient civilization that has since disappeared."
There are 1,500 rocks piled up in unusual configurations. Some stones remain in the original position while some seem completely blasted apart very much like Puma Punku in Bolivia."
ancient structures and stone rings built near precious metal deposits
Comet is a ghost town in Montana, USA located near Giant's Playground. The records say that 405 millions dollars worth of gold, silver. copper and zinc were taken out of the mines here at the turn of the last century.
Aerial photograph of Demijohn Flats "tipi rings" looking toward Big Pryor Mountain in Montana. The larger white spots are uranium mine claim scars while the circles are the rings. Many of these tipi rings in the Pryor Mountains are along the Torus North Grid Line See Montana Earth Energy Grid Page |
Tens of thousand of stone rings cover the land of South Africa (photo right). Michael Tellinger has shown that these ancient stone circles are patterns of cymatic sound frequencies. Tellinger teaches that these stone rings were used to produce energy by an advanced race in order to mine gold and precious minerals in South Africa.
Hundreds of stone rings are still intact in undisturbed areas of Montana. Absence of artifacts on the surface, lack of fire hearths and the absence of packed floors is strong evidence that these circles of stone were never used as tipi rings. After reading through archaeology studies of excavations of stone rings in Montana every paper agrees that there are no signs of human habitation near the rings. The villages were miles away.
I have walked through these stone ring complexes and noticed that several of the stone circles are huge...some are much too small to be use for a tipi. There are stone circles that are three to four feet thick and frequently form square or rectangle patterns in the outer ring. Some have internal structures and some touch each other. These stone circles are found on ridges above the habitation sites and are always clustered.
Features Attributed To Trickster
Edited by Dakota Wind makes an important point about TiPi rings in North Dakota:
"They are of various diameters, the largest which we have measured being forty feet across and the smallest twelve feet across. Some of these circles are formed with a single line of stones, others have two well-defined circles, one within the other, and a few have been found with three or more lines of stone laid closely together, forming a “circle” which was wide like a paved walk."
Montana is rich in gold, uranium, copper and precious mineral deposits.
Recent archaeological findings place man in North America over 50,000 years ago.
I have walked through these stone ring complexes and noticed that several of the stone circles are huge...some are much too small to be use for a tipi. There are stone circles that are three to four feet thick and frequently form square or rectangle patterns in the outer ring. Some have internal structures and some touch each other. These stone circles are found on ridges above the habitation sites and are always clustered.
Features Attributed To Trickster
Edited by Dakota Wind makes an important point about TiPi rings in North Dakota:
"They are of various diameters, the largest which we have measured being forty feet across and the smallest twelve feet across. Some of these circles are formed with a single line of stones, others have two well-defined circles, one within the other, and a few have been found with three or more lines of stone laid closely together, forming a “circle” which was wide like a paved walk."
Montana is rich in gold, uranium, copper and precious mineral deposits.
Recent archaeological findings place man in North America over 50,000 years ago.
This is a drawing from 1950 before the Canyon Ferry Dam was built. These stone rings are now beneath Canyon Ferry Lake on the Torus North Energy Grid line near the Shaman Rock
See Montana Energy Grid page. |
This stone ring still intact near Shelby Montana is referred to in the Montana Historical Museum as a Tipi ring. My questions is with so many rocks and an raised internal circle where did the people sleep?
The Sun Wheel on the Blacktail Ranch is positioned near three medicine wheels on the Torus North Earth Energy Grid Line in Montana.
See Montana Earth Energy Grid Page
See Montana Earth Energy Grid Page