Connection with Spirit comes through connection with the spirit of each living being... bringing spirit into matter through recognizing and communing with lost souls finding their way back into physical form.
Connection comes through living among the people within a tribe. This means showing up, relentlessly perservering with no judgement until you are found worthy to join. Initiation into a tribe is earned though learning and supporting the unique codes of behavior, body language, intuitive knowledge and spiritual quests while remaining true to ones self.
"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." Friedrich Nietzsche.
Acceptance into the tribe is demonstrated through the gifting of a symbolic icon such as a copper spiral necklace of two, three or four spirals denoting who you are and the gifts you will share.
Adoption into the Navajo tribe came through the acceptance of a ceremonial blanket gifted to my husband. One of these blankets had never left the Reserve in over 837 years. Beautiful beadwork, turquoise and silver jewelery of the clan signs denoting "born to" and "born for" with instructions of how and when the symbols were to be worn were given by the grandmother, spiritual leader and medicine people in a series of initiations. We were told "you can vacation in Montana or wherever you wish but this is your home and you will always return here." When asked what I wanted in return I simply replied, "I want to know what you know."
Initiation into the tribe of a Lakota Sundance came through a vision shared with a Sundancer...a vision of the Five Holy Men of the Lakota.
For years I have sought out and listened to the "Wanderers". I want to know what they know. This tribe lives on the street and survives in the borderlands around Helena. I went to the Grandmother/Grandfather Tree behind Urgent Care Plus to smudge a co-worker who was struggling. The musky smell of burning sage and sweetgrass drew the tribe in. In the mists of an angry confrontation in the alley behind us, police cars and threats of violence, one by one they came to the tree and asked to be smudged. Later that night, gathered around a single light in the hobo camp just beyond the city limits they spoke of the journey from the Star System of Orion, initiations by Carlos Castenada as a child, re-configuring human two- strand DNA into twelve-strand DNA, and life on the fringes. I listened and learned.